Results: 8

The Mulher Study: cervical cancer screening with primary HPV testing in Mozambique

Int. j. gynecol. cancer; 33 (12), 2024
Objective To evaluate cervical cancer screening with primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in Mozambique, a country with one of the highest burdens of cervical cancer globally. Methods Women aged 30–49 years were prospectively enrolled and offered primary HPV testing using either self- collected o...

Boletim Informativo do Programa Alargado de Vacinação (6)
Expanded Vaccination Program Newsletter (6)

Precisamos do vosso apoio na sensibilização dos pais e cuidadores em relação à vacina contra o cancro do colo do útero. O cancro do colo do útero é uma doença perigosa, que pode ser prevenível através de vacina. A vacina é segura e eficaz e faz parte do calendário nacional de vacinação, e...

Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Human Papillomavirus Vaccines for Preadolescent Girls in Mozambique: A Modelling Study

Mozambique has one of the highest rates of cervical cancer in the world. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination was introduced in 2021. This study evaluated the health and economic impact of the current HPV vaccine (GARDASIL® hereafter referred to as GARDASIL-4) and two other vaccines (CECOLIN® and CER...

Prevalence and risk factors of sexually transmitted infections and cervical neoplasia in women from a rural area of southern mozambique

Infect. dis. obstet. gynecol; 2010 (609315), 2020
There is limited information on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and the prevalence of cervical neoplasia in rural sub-Saharan Africa. This study describes the prevalence and the etiology of STIs and the prevalence of cervical neoplasia among women in southern Mozambique. An age-stratifi...

Lay knowledge of cervical cancer in Manhiça district, Mozambique: a qualitative study

Reprod. health; 17 ((1):21), 2020
Mozambique has one of the highest cervical cancer incidence rates in the world. Health interventions are still being conceived solely from a non-communicable disease standpoint despite that it is also a sexual and reproductive health problem. The objective of this study was to assess the extent to which ...

Awareness of cervical cancer and willingness to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus in Mozambican adolescent girls

Papillomavirus Res; 5 (), 2018
Sub-Saharan Africa concentrates the largest burden of cervical cancer worldwide. The introduction of the HPV vaccination in this region is urgent and strategic to meet global health targets. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Mozambique prior to the first round of the HPV vaccine demonstration...

Cancro do colo do útero – da infecção pelo vírus do papiloma humano às estratégias de prevenção e controlo em Moçambique
Cervical cancer - from human papilloma virus infection to prevention and control strategies in Mozambique

Em Moçambique, o cancro do colo do útero corresponde a cerca de um terço dos casos de cancro na mulher, reflectin da elevada prevalência de infecção pelo Vírus do Papiloma Humano (Human papillomavirus – HPV). Actualmente, todas as províncias são abrangidas por um programa de rastreio por inspe...

Cancro do Colo do Útero – da Infecção pelo Vírus do Papiloma Humano às Estratégias de Prevenção e Controlo em Moçambique
Asymmetries in Health Research, Published in the Revista Médica de Moçambique

Em Moçambique, o cancro do colo do útero corresponde a cerca de um terço dos casos de cancro na mulher, reflectindo a elevada prevalência de infecção peloVírus do Papiloma Humano (Human papillomavirus – HPV). Actualmente, todas as províncias são abrangidas por um programa de rastreio por inspe...