Results: 7

Study design and rationale for the PAASIM project: a matched cohort study on urban water supply improvements and infant enteric pathogen infection, gut microbiome development and health in Mozambique

BMJ; 3 (13), 2023
Introduction: Despite clear linkages between provision of clean water and improvements in child health, limited information exists about the health impacts of large water infrastructure improvements in low-income settings. Billions of dollars are spent annually to improve urban water supply, and rigorou...

Mozambique’s response to cyclone Idai: how collaboration and surveillance with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions were used to control a cholera epidemic

Parasit. vectors; (), 2020
Cyclone Idai, which hit Mozambique in March 2019, was one of the worst climate-related natural disasters on record in the Southern Hemisphere causing massive destruction of housing and disruption to vital infrastructure including the electrical grid, communications and water supply. Almost two million pe...

colera e catarse
cholera and catharsis

A reacção a essa violência contemplou também a atribuição de culpas – a Frelimo culpou a Renamo pela campanha de desinformação e os poderosos culparam os pobres pela sua ignorância. Um dos achados chave deste estudo é que a resposta das pessoas à cólera, apesar de errada, foi racional e ló...