Global general pediatric surgery partnership: The UCLA-Mozambique ex-perience

J. pediatr. surg; 59 (9), 2017
Publication year: 2017

There has been increasing recognition of the disparities in surgical care throughout the world. Increasingly, efforts are being made to improve local infrastructure and training of surgeons in low-income settings. The purpose of this study was to review the first 5-years of a global aca-demic pediatric general surgery partnership between ucla and the Eduardo Mondlane university in Maputo, Mozambique. Methods—a mixed-methods approach was utilized to perform an on-going needs assessment. a retrospective review of admission and operative logbooks was per-formed. Partnership activities were summarized. Results—the needs assessment identified sever-al challenges including limited operative time, personnel, equipment, and resources. review of logbooks identified a high frequency of burn admissions and colorectal procedures. partnership activities focused on providing educational resources, on-site proctoring, training opportunities, and research collaboration. Conclusion—this study highlights the spectrum of disease and opera-tive case volume of a referral center for general pediatric surgery in sub-saharan africa, and it provides a context for academic partnership activities to facilitate training and improve the quali-ty of pediatric general surgical care in limited-resource settings.

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