Use of mobile phone technology to improve the quality of point-of-care testing in a low-resource setting
AIDS (Lond.); 30 (1), 2016
Publication year: 2016
Use of mobile phone technology to improve the quality of point-of-care testing in a low-resource setting
Jani, Ilesh V.a; Quevedo, Jorge I.b; Tobaiwa, Oceanb; Bollinger, Timothyb; Sitoe, Nadia E.a; Chongo, Patrinaa; Vojnov, Larab; Lehe, Jonathan D.b; Peter, Trevorb
Author Information
AIDS 30(1):p 159-161, January 2, 2016. | DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000907
Many patients in resource-limited, high disease burden settings do not have access to essential diagnostic tests for effective HIV care and treatment. Point-of-care (POC) diagnostic technologies may help alleviate critical testing needs, especially in decentralized settings with inadequate laboratories [1]. POC tests are easy-to-use by nonlaboratory staff, do not require significant infrastructure, and can increase access to diagnostics by allowing testing closer to patients [2–4][2–4][2–4]. POC technologies can deliver same-day test results leading to faster clinical decisions and reduced patient loss to follow-up