Reasons for non-disclosure of HIV-Positive status to healthcare providers: a mixed methods study in Mozambique
Reasons for non-disclosure of HIV-Positive status to healthcare providers: a mixed methods study in Mozambique

BMC health serv. res.; 23 (1), 2023
Publication year: 2023


Non-disclosure of known HIV status by people living with HIV but undergoing HIV testing leads to waste of HIV testing resources and distortion of estimates of HIV indicators. In Mozambique, an estimated one-third of persons who tested positive already knew their HIV-positive status. To our knowledge, this study is the first to assess the factors that prevent people living with HIV (PLHIV) from disclosing their HIV-positive status to healthcare providers during a provider-initiated counseling and testing (PICT) campaign.


This analysis was nested in a larger PICT cross-sectional study performed in the Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique from January to July 2019, in which healthcare providers actively asked patients about their HIV-status. Patients who tested positive for HIV were crosschecked with the hospital database to identify those who had previously tested positive and were currently or previously enrolled in care. PLHIV who did not disclose their HIV-positive status were invited to participate and provide consent, and were interviewed using a questionnaire designed to explore barriers, patterns of community/family disclosure, and stigma and discrimination.


We found that 16.1% of participants who tested positive during a PICT session already knew their HIV-positive status but did not disclose it to the healthcare provider. All the participants reported previous mistreatment by general healthcare providers as a reason for nondisclosure during PICT…

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