Linking of concepts measured by SATIS-Stroke and the PM-Scale to the international classification of functioning, disability and health
Linking of concepts measured by SATIS-Stroke and the PM-Scale to the international classification of functioning, disability and health

Physiother. theory pract; 38 (13), 2022
Publication year: 2022


Rules have been developed to simplify the understanding of researchers/clinicians and standardize the linking process between concepts contained in the items on assessment measures and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF).


Link the concepts of the SATISPART Stroke (SATIS-Stroke) and Participation Measurement Scale (PM-Scale) to ICF codes.


Linking was performed by two evaluators with experience in the ICF taxonomy who applied the ten standard linking rules specifically developed and updated for this purpose. The level of agreement between the evaluators was determined using the Kappa coefficient with 95% confidence intervals.


The SATIS-Stroke and PM-Scale address the nine domains of the ICF "Activities and Participation" component. Adequate agreement was found between the researchers during the linking process, mainly between the 1º and 3º evaluators...

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