Depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and mental health care-seeking in central Mozambique

Soc. psychiatr. psychiatr. epidemiol; 54 (12), 2019
Publication year: 2019


 There is scant research on depressive symptoms (DS), suicidal ideation (SI), and mental health care-seeking in Mozambique.


 Generalized estimating equations were used to assess factors associated with DS, SI, and mental health care-seeking among 3080 individuals interviewed in a representative household survey in Sofala and Manica provinces, Mozambique.


 19% (CI 17-21%) of respondents reported DS in the past year and 17% (CI 15-18%) lifetime SI. Overall, only 10% (CI 8-11%) of respondents ever sought any care for mental illness, though 26% (CI 23-29%) of those reporting DS and/or SI sought care. 90% of those who sought care for DS received treatment; however, only 46% of those who sought care for SI received treatment.

Factors associated with DS and SI include:

female gender, divorced/separated, widowed, and > 55 years old. Respondents in the bottom wealth quintile reported lower DS, while those in upper wealth quintiles reported higher prevalence of SI. Individuals with DS or SI had significantly elevated measures of disability-especially in doing household chores, work/school activities, standing for long periods, and walking long distances. Factors associated with care-seeking include: female gender, rural residence, divorced/separated, and > 45 years old. Individuals in lower wealth quintiles and with no religious affiliation had lower odds of seeking care.

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