Between the good samaritan and everyday life: coping strategies of Mozambican health care providers
Publication year: 1999
This paper summarises the research done in Mozambique in 1996-1998 as a part of the INCO.De roiect "Health Sector Reform: Coping strategies and profession identy of primary health care clinicians in Mozambique and South Africa´´.
Mozambican health care providers use a vast array of coping strategies to improve ther economic situation, such as: Working in different health systems, straddling between private and public services for extra income. Using public sector resources for private gain. Selling hard to get, subsidised services and goods, especially medication, at market princes. Collectiong fees higher than the official ones, or illegally charging fees to ´help´ the users access the system.
The extra money earned in health care provision is invested in other formal or informal activities, especially trade and agriculture. Other kinds of non-monetary coping strategies are used but are not considered important by the health personnel: Cultural resources, religious support, family and friend networks....