Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação aos métodos de prevenção em particular a pulverização intra-domiciliária e o tratamento da malária nas Províncias de Nampula e Zambézia
Publication year: 2020
Theses and dissertations presented to the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane to obtain the academic title of Mestre. Leader:
Malaria remains a major public health problem worldwide, despite the
report by the World Health Organization (WHO) referring to a progressive decrease in
the number of malaria cases in the last decade. The main objective of this study is to
assess the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of the community in relation to
prevention methods, in particular intra-household spraying and treatment of malaria in
the communities of the Provinces of Zambézia and Nampula.
a quantitative study was carried out based on primary data obtained based on interviews administered to members of the community in the provinces of Nampula and Zambézia composed of individuals representing households and community leaders or secretaries from the neighborhoods. Data analysis was performed using the Epinfo and SPSS statistical packages and the data were presented in tables and texts.Results:
In a total of two hundred (200) interviewed and evaluated, 35% said that malaria is caused by mosquitoes (vector), 70.5% that malaria is caused by mosquitoes (etiologic agent), 43% said they do not know how it is transmitted and 34.5% of respondents said they did not know where the etiological agent of malaria develops; regarding the forms of transmission, most participants (43%) said they did not know and only 2.5% said that malaria is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito with a plasmodium. About 21% of respondents said they do not know how the disease manifests and 78.5% of participants chose mosquito nets as the method of malaria prevention that they know and prefer the most. Regarding the acceptability of IRS, 63% of the participants refused this intervention in the last campaign. Most of the participants (88%) use the hospital as the location for treating malaria. There was a relationship between the level of knowledge of malaria and the level of education of the participants (p <0.05).Conclusions and recommendations:
Although the participants showed to have some knowledge about malaria regarding the concept, mode of transmission and prevention methods, the results of this study indicate that community members of Nampula and Zambézia provinces have little knowledge about transmission, symptoms and preventive measures in relation to malaria. Most participants are unaware of the signs and symptoms of the disease and many of them refused IRS in the last campaign. Therefore, it is recommended that the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Provincial Directorates concerned, improve the availability of information on malaria through lectures or community awareness campaigns
A malária continua a ser um dos principais problemas da saúde pública ao
nível mundial, apesar do relatório da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) referir um
decréscimo progressivo no número de casos de malária na última década. O objectivo
principal deste estudo é avaliar o nível de conhecimento, atitudes e práticas da
comunidade em relação aos métodos de prevenção em particular a pulverização intradomiciliária e tratamento da malária nas comunidades das Províncias da Zambézia e