Prevalência da malária e factores associados em areas cobertas pela campanha de distribuição massiva de redes mosquiteiras nos distritos de Nacala-A-Velhae Mecuburi na Província de Nampula
Publication year: 2015
Theses and dissertations presented to the Universidade Eduardo Momdlame to obtain the academic title of Mestre. Leader: Dra. Graça Matsinhe
In Mozambique, malaria is still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality,
accounting for about 44,0% of cases seen in outpatients and 57,0% of admissions in pediatric
wards. The mass distribution of mosquito nets treated with long lasting insecticide
(REMILD) is one of the preventive interventions used to reduce the burden of malaria in
communities at country level. The study aims to determine the prevalence of and factors
associated with malaria in areas covered by a mosquito nets distribution campaign in the
districts of Nacala-à-Velha and Mecubúri in Nampula province.