Mozambique 2008: HIV/AIDS TRAC Study Among Men and Women Aged 15-35 in Sofala. First Round.
Mozambique 2008: HIV/AIDS TRAC Study Among Men and Women Aged 15-35 in Sofala. First Round

Publication year: 2008

In 2004, PSI conducted the first country-wide TRaC (Tracking Results Continuously) study for Condoms, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT).

The current study is the first TRaC study for HIV interventions and was conducted in three provinces:

Gaza, Sofala, and Zambezia. This study is intended to provide localized evidence for decision-making for social marketing of JeitO condoms, and help measure the impact of PSI interventions and activities. n PSI/Mozambique supports the Ministry of Health in its ef lorts to reduce the rate of new HIV infections by implementing a wide range of interventions for behavior change, with an emphasis on the use of condoms, along with the reduction of sexual partners, delay of sexual debut, voluntary counseling and testing, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Targeting sexually active, low income populations, PSI implements three types of interventions: 1) interpersonal communication (IPC) with the use of theatre groups, community agents, and a network of peer educators; 2) Promotion of condoms and risk reducing behaviors through mass media channels; and 3) Large-scale distribution of subsidized condoms. The current study is based on a cross-sectional survey conducted among male and female respondents in the city of Beira in the Sofala province. The survey used a stratified multi-stage cluster design. Results are presented in standard PSI Dashboard form.

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