Total: 1852

The Mulher Study: cervical cancer screening with primary HPV testing in Mozambique

Int. j. gynecol. cancer; 33 (12), 2024
Objective To evaluate cervical cancer screening with primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in Mozambique, a country with one of the highest burdens of cervical cancer globally. Methods Women aged 30–49 years were prospectively enrolled and offered primary HPV testing using either self- collected o...

Assessing the effect of COVida orphans and vulnerable children support services on viral load coverage and suppression among children and adolescents living with HIV in four provinces in Mozambique

AIDS care; 36 (8), 2024
Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs focusing on improving HIV outcomes for children and adolescents living with HIV (C&ALHIV) may improve viral load (VL) testing coverage, a critical step toward achieving VL suppression. In Mozambique, we conducted a retrospective medical record review compari...

Consistency of Multi-Month Antiretroviral Therapy Dispensing and Association with Viral Load Coverage among Pediatric Clients Living with HIV in Mozambique

With the increase in uptake of multi-month antiretroviral therapy dispensing (MMD) for children, little is known about consistency of MMD receipt over time and its association with virological outcomes. This analysis aims to assess the uptake of 3-month MMD among children, consistent receipt of MMD after...

SARS-CoV-2 in Mozambican primary school-aged children at Maputo City and Province: a cross-sectional study from a low-income country

BMC pediatr. (Online); 24 (1), 2024
Background: Seroprevalence studies provide information on the true extent of infection and capture demographic and geographic differences, indicating the level of immunity against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We sought to provide local evidence of SARS-CoV-2 exposure in s...

Coronavirus awareness and household hardship survey data for the CHAMPS HDSS network: Data collected between April 2021 and February 2022 in the Manhiça HDSS, Mozambique

Data in brief; 55 (2024), 2024
Data collection was implemented through an initiative by the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) Network to assess whether lockdowns and other social distancing policies during COVID-19 had implications for household economic status, maternal and child health, and healthcare acces...

Perceptions and compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures in Southern and Central regions of Mozambique: A quantitative in-person household survey in the districts of Manhiça and Quelimane

PLos ONE; 19 (5), 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted countries to swiftly implement rigorous preventive measures on a population-wide scale worldwide. However, in low-income countries like Mozambique this was difficult, coupled with a generalised lack of knowledge on how the population understood and complied with these m...

Enhancing HIV positivity yield in southern Mozambique: The effect of a Ministry of Health training module in targeted provider-initiated testing and counselling

PLos ONE; 19 (5), 2024
In Mozambique, targeted provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling (PITC) is recommended where universal PITC is not feasible, but its effectiveness depends on healthcare providers' training. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a Ministry of Health training module in targeted PITC on the HIV p...

Perfil de Publicações na Revista Científica do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

Introdução: A Revista Moçambicana de Ciencias de Saúde (RMCS) foi instituída em 2013, com o objectivo de abarcar as diversas áreas de saúde humana, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar dos aspectos relacio nados com a promoção de saúde pública, prestação de cuidados clínicos e gestã...

“Família Modelo” na Estratégia para Adopção de Comportamentos Preventivos da Cólera e Outras Doenças Transmissíveis na Província de Cabo Delgado

Introdução: O Ministério da Saúde, através da Medicos com África e o UNICEF, implementou uma das suas estratégias de comunicação para a mudança de comportamento intitulada “família modelo” na província de Cabo Delgado. Esta estratégia visa prevenir doenças como a malária, cólera, desn...

10 Anos da Revista Moçambicana de Ciências de Saúde
10 Years of the Mozambican Journal of Health Sciences

A Revista Moçambicana de Ciências de Saúde (RMCS) é a publicação científica oficial do Instituto Nacional de Saúdepublicada desde 2014. Nos seus primeiros 10 anos, foram publicados nove volumes (com excepção de 2017), e quatro edi ções especiais dedicadas as XVI e XVII Jornadas Nacionais de...