Resultados: 1528

Acreditação do programa de formação em epidemiologia de campo de moçambique: Um processo liderado por mulheres
Accreditation of mozambique's field epidemiology training program: A women-led process

Os Programas de Formação em Epidemiologia de Campo (Field Epidemiology Training Program, FETP) são cada vez mais necessários em todo o mundo. Com a persistência e ressurgimento de doenças transmissíveis e novas pandemias, o Regulamento Sanitário Internacional e a Agenda de Segurança Sanitária G...

Point-of-care testing to achieve paediatric 95-95-95 targets

Lancet HIV; 10 (4), 2023
Progress towards global targets for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in children has lagged behind that for adults. Mortality among infants who received HIV via vertical transmission and do not receive treatment peaks at 2–3 months of age, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and ART.1 However, i...

Acceptability and perceived barriers to reactive focal mass drug administration in the context of a malaria elimination program in Magude district, Southern Mozambique: A qualitative study

PLos ONE; 18 (3), 2023
This study analysed acceptability and perceived barriers to reactive focal mass drug administration (rfMDA) among community members exposed to community engagement campaigns and malaria elimination interventions in Magude district, following mass drug administration (MDA) in the same district. The study ...

An evaluation of LLIN ownership, access, and use during the Magude project in southern Mozambique

PLos ONE; 18 (3), 2023
The Magude Project assessed the feasibly of eliminating malaria in a low transmission setting in southern Mozambique using a package of interventions. This study measured the ownership, access and use of long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) and inequalities in these indicators across household w...

Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Mozambique: The role of institutional trust

Vaccine; 41 (17), 2023
Background: Vaccination plays an imperative role in protecting public health and preventing avoidable mortality. Yet, the reasons for vaccine hesitancy in African countries are not well understood. This study investigates the factors associated with the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine in Mozambique, with ...

HIV retesting for pregnant and breastfeeding women across maternal child health services in Nampula, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 18 (3), 2023
Background: Repeat HIV testing during pregnancy and breastfeeding identifies women with incident infections, those living with HIV who have been lost to care, and infants at risk for HIV infection. We report data from repeat testing for women in maternal and child health (MCH) services at 10 health facil...

Epidemiology and clinical presentation of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia in children under 5 years of age admitted to the Manhiça District Hospital, Mozambique, 2001-2019

Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) is one of the most common bloodstream infections globally. Data on the burden and epidemiology of community-acquired SAB in low-income countries are scarce but needed to define preventive and management strategies. Blood samples were collected from children < 5 yea...

Uncovering the Drivers of Childhood Immunization Inequality with Caregivers, Community Members and Health System Stakeholders: Results from a Human-Centered Design Study in DRC, Mozambique and Nigeria

Vaccine; 11 (689), 2023
Background: The importance of immunization for child survival underscores the need to eliminate immunization inequalities. Few existing studies of inequalities use approaches that view the challenges and potential solutions from the perspective of caregivers. This study aimed to identify barriers and con...

Attitudes and perceptions towards postpartum contraceptive use among seroconcordant partners with HIV in rural Mozambique: a qualitative study

Background Postpartum contraceptive uptake reduces short interpregnancy intervals, unintended pregnancies, and their negative sequalae: poor maternal and fetal outcomes. Healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy in people living with HIV (PLHIV) also allows time to achieve viral suppression to reduce paren...

Fine-scale spatial distribution of deltamethrin resistance and population structure of Anopheles funestus and Anopheles arabiensis populations in Southern Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 22 (1), 2023
Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors can be spatially highly heterogeneous, yet population structure analyses frequently find relatively high levels of gene flow among mosquito populations. Few studies have contemporaneously assessed phenotypic, genotypic and population structure analysis on mosquit...