Resultados: 1528

An in depth analysis of the knowledge, attitude and practices towards the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) in the nicoadala district in mozambique

Malaria in Mozambique is one of the ten leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Malaria is responsible for up to 44% of all outpatient consultations, 57% of pediatric admissions and a leading cause of low birth weight in newborns. Consistent use of insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) for malaria preve...

Plano integracao para o Alcance dos Objectiivos 4 e 5 de desenvolvimento do Milenio

O Plano Nacional Integrado para o Alcance dos ODMs 4 & 5, elaborado pelo MISAU, em colaboração com seus Parceiros, apresenta as prioridades definidas pelo Sector para o período 2009-2012, e traduz em intervenções concretas as orientações da Política do Sector da Saúde, e em harmonia com as vári...

Severe malaria and concomitant bacteraemia in children admitted to a rural Mozambican hospital

Trop. med. int. health; 14 (9), 2009
Objectives: To describe the prevalence, aetiology and prognostic implications of coexisting invasive bacterial disease in children admitted with severe malaria in a rural Mozambican Hospital. Methods: Retrospective study of data systematically collected from June 2003 to May 2007 in a rural Mozambican ho...

Parceria nacional para promoção da saúde materna neonatal e infantil

A presente parceria constitui mais uma peca chave para a melhoria da saude materno neonatal e infantil.varias pesquisas sobre mortalidade materna neonatal e infantil nos paises em desenvolvimento mostram que a melhoria dos cuiadodos de saudea mae e crianca durante agraviez parto pos parto tem reduzido de...

Efficacy of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine with or without artesunate for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southern Mozambique: a randomized controlled trial

Malar. j. (Online); 8 (141), 2009
Background: An artemisinin-based combination therapy, artesunate (AS) plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), was compared to SP monotherapy to provide evidence of further treatment options in southern Mozambique. Methods: Between 2003 and 2005, 411 patients over one year and 10 kg with uncomplicated Plasm...

Whole-genome characterization of g12 rotavirus strains detected in mozambique reveals a co-infection with a gxp[14] strain of possible animal origin

J. gen. virol; 100 (), 2009
A high prevalence of G12 rotavirus strains has previously been reported in southern Mozambique. In this study, the full genomes of five Mozambican G12 strains were determined directly from stool using an Illumina Miseq platform. One sample (0060) contained an intergenogroup co-infection of a G12P[8] Wa-l...

Estratégia de combate ao hiv & sida na função pública 2009 – 2013

O Governo de Moçambique através dos Ministérios da Função Pública (MFP), da Saúde (MISAU) e do Conselho Nacional de Combate ao HIV e SIDA (CNCS) desencadeou o processo de elaboração da Estratégia de combate ao HIV e SIDA na Função Pública com vista a redimensionar a resposta ao HIV e SIDA na...

Clinico-pathological discrepancies in the diagnosis of causes of maternal death in sub-Saharan Africa: retrospective analysis

PloS med; 6 (2), 2009
Background: Maternal mortality is a major public-health problem in developing countries. Extreme differences in maternal mortality rates between developed and developing countries indicate that most of these deaths are preventable. Most information on the causes of maternal death in these areas is based ...

A 10 year study of the cause of death in children under 15 years in Manhiça, Mozambique

Approximately 46 million of the estimated 60 million deaths that occur in the world each year take place in developing countries. Further, this mortality is highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, although causes of mortality in this region are not well documented. The objective of this study is to describe the m...