Background: The roll out of various public health programmes involving mass administration of medicines calls for the deployment of responsive pharmacovigilance systems to permit identification of signals of rare or even common adverse reactions. In developing countries in Africa, these systems are mostl...
Aponte , john J;
Aide, pedro;
Renom, montse;
Mandomando, Inacio;
Bassat, quique;
Sacarlal, jahit;
Manaca, nelia;
Lafuente, sarah;
Barbosa, arnoldo;
Leach, amanda;
Vekemans , johan;
Lievens, marc;
Sigauque, betuel;
Dubois, marie-claude;
Demoitié, marie ange;
Sillman, marla;
McNeil, john G;
Savarese, barbara;
Macete, eusebio;
Cohen, joe;
Ballou, W ripley;
Alonso, pedro L.
Background: Malaria remains a leading global health problem that requires the improved use of existing interventions and the accelerated development of new control methods. We aimed to assess the safety, immunogenicity, and initial efficacy of the malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS02D in infants in Africa. Methods...
Mandomando, inácio;
Espasa, mateu;
Vallès, xavier;
Sigaúque, betuel;
Sanz, sergi;
Sacarlal, jahit;
Macete, eusébio;
Abacassamo, fátima;
Ruiz, joaquim;
Gascon, joaquim;
Kotloff, karen L;
Levine, myron.
Rectal swabs were collected from 1354 children <5 years of age with diarrhea attending Manhiça District Hospital and from 227 healthy community controls. Shigellosis incidence was high among children aged 12-47 months (488.4/10(5) child-years at risk). Fever and dysentery were prominent clinical finding...
Background: Indoor residual spraying (IRS) has again become popular for malaria control in Africa. This combined with the affirmation by WHO that DDT is appropriate for use in the absence of longer lasting insecticide formulations in some malaria endemic settings, has resulted in an increase in IRS with ...
Monitoramento Ambiental,
Malária/prevenção & controle,
Resistência a Inseticidas,
Insetos Vetores,
Controle de Mosquitos/economia,
Controle de Mosquitos/métodos,
Menendez, clara;
Schellenberg, david;
Macete, eusebio;
Aide, pedro;
Kahigwa, elizeus;
Sanz, sergi;
Aponte, john J;
Sacarlal, jahit;
Mshinda, hassan;
Tanner, marcel;
Alonso, pedro L.
Background: Intermittent preventive treatment (IPTi) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in infants resulted in different estimates of clinical malaria protection in two trials that used the same protocol in Ifakara, Tanzania, and Manhiça, Mozambique. Understanding the reasons for the discrepant result...
Marijon, Eloi;
Ou, Phalla;
Celermajer, David S;
Ferreira, Beatriz;
Mocumbi, Ana Olga;
Jani, Dinesh;
Paquet, Christophe;
Jacob, Sophie;
Sidi, Daniel;
Jouven, Xavier.
Background: Epidemiologic studies of the prevalence of rheumatic heart disease have used clinical screening with echocardiographic confirmation of suspected cases. We hypothesized that echocardiographic screening of all surveyed children would show a significantly higher prevalence of rheumatic heart dis...
Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a Saúde é «um estado de completo
bem estar físico, mental e social, e não somente ausência de doença ou de enfermidade».
2. A Saúde é um bem precioso que é necessário promover, preservar, manter e melhorar. O
Artigo 89 da Constituição da Rep...
Moçambique encontra-se situado na costa do sudeste africano e faz fronteira com a Tanzania a Norte, o Malawi, Zâmbia, Zimbabwe a Este e África do Sul e Swazilândia a Sul. É banhado pelo Oceano Índico a Oeste que se estende ao longo da costa com cerca de 2.470 quilómetros. É uma República, indepe...
Sistemas de Informação em Saúde,
Causas de Morte,
Gestão da Informação em Saúde,
Relatório de Pesquisa,
Atividades Cotidianas,
Características da Família,
Registro de Nascimento
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of transmission on the outcome of treatment
of urinary schistosomiasis given in two different transmission seasons (high and low)
among schoolchildren in the urban and peri-urban areas of Matola and Maputo, southern
Mozambique. The results of this study are ...