Total: 1827

Human and porcine taenia solium infections in mozambique: identifying research priorities

The objective of this paper is to critically review and summarize available scientific and lay literature, and ongoing studies on human and porcine cysticercosis in Mozambique to identify knowledge gaps and direct immediate and long-term research efforts. Data on the spatial distribution and prevalence o...

Prozone in malaria rapid diagnostics tests: how many cases are missed?

Malar. j. (Online); 10 (166), 2011
Background: Prozone means false-negative or false-low results in antigen-antibody reactions, due to an excess of either antigen or antibody. The present study prospectively assessed its frequency for malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and Plasmodium falciparum samples in an endemic field setting. Met...

Seroprevalence of transfusion-transmissible infections and evaluation of the pre-donation screening performance at the provincial hospital of tete, mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 11 (141), 2011
The World Health Organization recommends universal and quality-controlled screening of blood donations for the major transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs): human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and syphilis. The study objectives were to determine the s...

Relatorio Anual 2011: XXXVI CCS 2011, “Com o nosso povo, façamos das Unidades Sanitárias, lugar acolhedor”

O presente relatório reporta de forma detalhada as principais actividades realizadas ao longo do ano 2010 pela Direcção de Recursos Humanos em cumprimento do Plano Quinquenal do Governo, do Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos da Saúde (PNDRHS) operacionalizados através do Plano ...

Manual de tratamento e reabilitação nutricional

Este Manual indica os passos e procedimentos para o tratamento dos doentes classificados com desnutrição aguda (moderada ou grave) num Hospital, num Centro de Saúde, numa Unidade de Reabilitação Nutricional, ou qualquer outra Unidade que ofereça estes cuidados. O Manual também apresenta alguns pon...

Spatio-temporal analysis of mortality among children under the age of five in Manhiça (Mozambique) during the period 1997-2005

Reducing childhood mortality is the fourth goal of the Millennium Development Goals agreed at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000. However, childhood mortality in developing countries remains high. Providing an accurate picture of space and time-trend variations in child mortality in a...

A Research Agenda for Malaria Eradication: Modeling

PloS med; 8 (1), 2011
Malaria modeling can inform policy and guide research for malaria elimination and eradication from local implementation to global policy. A research and development agenda for malaria modeling is proposed, to support operations and to enhance the broader eradication research agenda. Models are envisioned...

Estudo dos aspectos soroepidemiológicos e imunológicos da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B (hbv) em pacientes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (hiv) atendidos no centro de saúde do alto-maé, maputo-moçambique

A hepatite é uma doença infeccios a que constitui um problema de saúde pública mundial. De entre os diferentes vírus que causam hepatite, o vírus da hepatite B (HBV),representa uma das maiores causas mundiais de hepatite crônica, cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular, apesar da vacina para hepatite B ...

Workplace violence in the road passeger transport sector in Maputi cinty, Mozambique: extent, causes, consequences and prevention

Background: Every year millions of workers around the world are victims of workplace violence (WPV). Globally, WPV is a major occupational health and safety hazard, and it has been regarded as a public health problem. There is no WPV preventive program specifically designed for low-income countries (LICs...