Malaria in pregnancy is a public health problem for endemic countries. Economic evaluations of malaria preventive strategies in pregnancy are needed to guide health policies. Methods and Findings: This analysis was carried out in the context of a trial of malaria intermittent preventive treatment in preg...
Malaria vector control interventions in Africa are currently being scaled up in order to attain universal access and appropriate coverage. The aim is to reduce or interrupt disease transmission, and to reach long term goals of malaria elimination and eradication. Currently, in Mozambique the main methods...
Background: Pneumonia is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in children worldwide. Procalcitonin (PCT) and Creactive protein (CRP) are used in developed countries to differentiate between viral and bacterial causes of pneumonia. Validity of these markers needs to be further explored in Africa. Me...
Introduction Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), two principal malaria control strategies, are similar in cost and efficacy. We aimed to describe recent policy development regarding their use in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Methods Using a qualitative case study ...
A língua constitui um meio privilegiado e abrangente de comunicação. Povo que desperdiça as suas raízes linguísticas dissolve-se seguramente no anátema universal, perdendo a cultura e a identidade. A Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia ao procurar apoiar o desenvolvimento da Oftalmologia nos Paí...
Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) are an efficacious intervention for malaria prevention. During a national immunization campaign in Mozambique, vouchers, which were to be redeemed at a later date for free ITNs, were distributed in Manica and Sofala provinces. A survey to evaluate ITN ownership and usa...
Em países em desenvolvimento a problemática de corpos estranhos nos Serviços de ORL está relativamente mal estudada. Apesar da literatura ser relativamente escassa, os trabalhos publicados mostram que os mesmos representam um problema cada vez mais importante de saúde pública. Entende-se por corpo ...