A reacção a essa violência contemplou também a atribuição de culpas – a Frelimo culpou a Renamo pela campanha de desinformação e os poderosos culparam os pobres pela sua ignorância. Um dos achados chave deste estudo é que a resposta das pessoas à cólera, apesar de errada, foi racional e ló...
Esta estratégia de comunicação é específica para o sector da Educação. Isto significa que ela tem de ser entendida apenas como uma parte de uma estratégia nacional de comunicação sobre o HIV/SIDA, a ser desenvolvida em 2003, sob os auspícios do Conselho Nacional de Combate à SIDA. Como tal, a...
In the capital city of one of the least developed countries, and using a hospital-based approach: The general aim was to characterise women who have undergone illegally and Jegally induced abortions, and to show the magnitude of both maternal mortality and abortion-related severe morbidity in adolescents...
Background: Measuring CD4 T-cell counts at low cost is relevant in dealing with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic throughout the developing world. The recently introduced novel concepts in gating strategies and sample stabilization facilitate affordable immunophenotyping by flow cytometry. ...
To assess STD management in primary healthcare facilities where STD clinics and syndromic management guidelines had been introduced.
Methods: In 26 health facilities in selected sites, we observed management of all STD patients presenting in the adult general or STD clinic. We assessed the referral syst...
Falciparum malaria affects pregnant women, especially primigravidae, but before malaria control programmes targeted to them can be designed, a description of the frequency and parity pattern of the infection is needed. There is little information on the frequency and effect of submicroscopic malaria infe...