The use of mass gatherings as spaces to practice health surveillance has been growing in recent years. In Mozambique, the 9th National Festival of Culture in 2016 was selected for this practice. A specific public health surveillance system to facilitate rapid detection of outbreaks and other health-relat...
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of two types of exercises interventions on the regularity and health-related physical fitness in HIV-infected individuals who use antiretroviral therapy (ART). A total of 53 HIV+ African women (mean age=39.5±8.4 years) on ART participated in t...
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of two types of exercises interventions on the
regularity and health-related physical fitness in HIV-infected individuals who use antiretroviral therapy (ART). A total of
53 HIV+ African women (mean age=39.5±8.4 years) on ART participated in t...
Faz mais de meio século que estudos de epidemiologistas sociais e sanitaristas latino-americanos e de outras partes do mundo expõem, com argumentos teóricos e demonstrações empíricas, o papel das conidições sociais e económicas na determinação do processo saúde – doença nas populações. E...