Kovacs, stephanie d;
Eijk, anna maria van;
Sevene, esperanca;
Dellicour, stephanie;
Weiss, noel, s;
Emerson, scott;
Steketee, richard;
Kuile, feiko O. ter;
Stergachis, andy.
Given the high morbidity for mother and fetus associated with malaria in pregnancy, safe and efficacious drugs are needed for treatment. Artemisinin derivatives are the most effective antimalarials, but are associated with teratogenic and embryotoxic effects in animal models when used in early pregnancy....
After the decrease in clinical malaria incidence observed in Mozambique until 2009, a steady resurgence of cases per year has been reported nationally, reaching alarming levels in 2014. However, little is known about the clinical profile of the cases presented, or the possible epidemiological factors con...
Estudos de Coortes,
Pacientes Ambulatoriais,
Análise de Variância,
Estações do Ano,
Plasmodium falciparum,
Distribuição por Idade,
Filhos Adultos
A WHO-supported provincial-level population-based survey was conducted in 2007 to understand the determinants and implications for health of vaginal practices. A total of 919 women aged 18-60 were selected randomly for enrolment. This is the first population-based study of females in Tete Province, Mozam...
Saúde Sexual,
Saúde Reprodutiva/estatística & dados numéricos,
Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis,
Estudos de Coortes,
Inquéritos e Questionários/estatística & dados numéricos,
Dor Abdominal/parasitologia,
Teste de HIV/estatística & dados numéricos
Tint, Halidou;
Seveno, Esperança;
Dellicour, Stephanie;
Calip, Gregory S;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Macete, Eusébio;
Diallo , Seydou Nakanabo;
Kazienga, Adama;
Valea, Innocent;
Sorgho, Hermann;
Valá, Anifa;
Augusto, Orvalho;
Ruperez, Clara;
Menendez, Clara;
Ouma, Peter;
Desai, Meghna;
Kuile, Feiko Ter;
Stergachis, Andy.
Background: A major unresolved safety concern for malaria case management is the use of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is a need for human data to inform policy makers and treatment guidelines on the safety of artemisinin combination therapies (ACT) wh...
Antimaláricos/efeitos adversos,
Artemisininas/efeitos adversos,
Protocolos Clínicos,
Estudos de Coortes,
Esquema de Medicação,
Idade Gestacional,
Troca Materno-Fetal,
Seleção de Pacientes,
Complicações Parasitárias na Gravidez/terapia,
Resultado da Gravidez,
Primeiro Trimestre da Gravidez,
Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal,
Estudos Prospectivos,
Projetos de Pesquisa,
Tamanho da Amostra,
Burkina Faso,
Antimaláricos/uso terapêutico,
Artemisininas/uso terapêutico
Tuberculosis (TB) remains an important public health concern, and a leading cause of disease and death worldwide. Mozambique is one of the few high TB burden countries where TB figures have not improved in recent years, with an estimated TB incidence in 2013 of 552 cases per 100 000 population [1]. With ...
Estudos de Coortes,
Infecções por HIV/complicações,
Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia,
Terapia de Imunossupressão,
Saúde Pública,
Saúde da População Rural,
Thienemann, Friedrich;
Dzudie, Anastase;
Mocumbi, Ana O;
Blauwet, Lori;
Sani, Mahmoud U;
Karaye, Kamilu M;
Ogah, Okechukwu S;
Mbanze, Irina;
Mbakwem, Amam;
Udo, Patience;
Tibazarwa, Kemi;
Ibrahim, Ahmed S;
Burton, Rosie.
Introduction: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a devastating, progressive disease with increasingly debilitating symptoms and usually shortened overall life expectancy due to a narrowing of the pulmonary vasculature and consecutive right heart failure. Little is known about PH in Africa, but limited report...
González, raquel;
Ngoma, ghyslain mombo;
Ouédraogo, smaïla;
Kakolwa, mwaka a;
Abdulla, salim;
Accrombessi, manfred;
Aponte, john j;
Diop, daisy akerey;
Basra, arti;
Briand, valérie;
Capan, meskure;
Cot , michel;
Kabanywanyi, abdunoor m;
Kleine, christian;
Kremsner, peter g;
Macete, eusebio;
Mackanga, jean-rodolphe;
Massougbodgi, achille;
Mayor, alfredo;
Nhacolo, arsenio;
Pahlavan, golbahar;
Ramharter, michael;
Rupérez, maría;
Sevene, esperança;
Vala, anifa;
Manego, rella zoleko;
Menéndez, clara.
Background: Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is recommended by WHO to prevent malaria in African pregnant women. The spread of SP parasite resistance has raised concerns regarding long-term use for IPT. Mefloquine (MQ) is the most promising of avai...
África Subsaariana/epidemiologia,
Antimaláricos/administração & dosagem,
Estudos de Coortes,
Infecções por HIV,
Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso,
Mosquiteiros Tratados com Inseticida/estatística & dados numéricos,
Malária/prevenção & controle,
Mefloquina/administração & dosagem,
Complicações Parasitárias na Gravidez/diagnóstico,
Complicações Parasitárias na Gravidez/epidemiologia,
Complicações Parasitárias na Gravidez/prevenção & controle,
Serviços Preventivos de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos,
Resultado do Tratamento,
objectiveCommunity ART groups (CAG), peer support groups involved in community ARTdistribution and mutual psychosocial support, were piloted to respond to staggering antiretroviraltreatment (ART) attrition in Mozambique. To understand the impact of CAG on long-term retention,we estimated mortality and lo...
Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida,
Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial,
Estudos de Coortes,
Características de Residência,
Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde,
Organização Mundial da Saúde,
Participação da Comunidade,
Fatores de Risco,
Contagem de Linfócito CD4
Dubé , Karine;
Zango, Arlinda;
Wijgert, Janneke van de;
Meque, Ivete;
Ferro, Josefo J;
Cumbe, Fidelina;
Chen, Pai Lien;
Ma, Sabrina;
Jolles, Erik;
Fumo, Afonso;
Robb, Merlin L;
Feldblum, Paul J.
Background: HIV is prevalent in Sofala Province, Mozambique. To inform future prevention research, we undertook a study in the provincial capital (Beira) to measure HIV incidence in women at higher risk of HIV and assess the feasibility of recruiting and retaining them as research participants.
Background: Loss to follow-up of HIV-positive patients before initiation of antiretroviral therapy can exceed 50% in low-income settings and is a challenge to the scale-up of treatment. We implemented point-of-care counting of CD4 cells in Mozambique and assessed the effect on loss to follow-up before im...
Fatores Etários,
Assistência Ambulatorial,
Atitude Frente a Saúde,
Contagem de Linfócito CD4,
Estudos de Coortes,
Intervalos de Confiança,
Países em Desenvolvimento,
Resultado do Tratamento,
Cooperação do Paciente,
Estudos Retrospectivos,
Fatores Socioeconômicos