Resultados: 49

Blood pressure thresholds in pregnancy for identifying maternal and infant risk: a secondary analysis of Community-Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) trial data

Lancet Glob. Health; 9 (8), 2021
Background: Blood pressure measurement is a marker of antenatal care quality. In well resourced settings, lower blood pressure cutoffs for hypertension are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. We aimed to study the associations between blood pressure thresholds and adverse outcomes and the diagnos...

Adolescent, Pregnant, and HIV-Infected: Risk of Adverse Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcomes in Young Women from Southern Mozambique

Jpn. j. clin. med; 10 (8), 2021
Sub-Saharan Africa concentrates the burden of HIV and the highest adolescent fertility rates. However, there is limited information about the impact of the interaction between adolescence and HIV infection on maternal health in the region. Data collected prospectively from three clinical trials conducted...

Reduced Placental Transfer of Antibodies Against a Wide Range of Microbial and Vaccine Antigens in HIV-Infected Women in Mozambique

Front. immunol; 12 (), 2021
Transplacental transfer of antibodies is essential for conferring protection in newborns against infectious diseases. We assessed the impact of different factors, including gestational age and maternal infections such as HIV and malaria, on the efficiency of cord blood levels and placental transfer of Ig...

Evaluation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission national health information system for HIV/AIDS, in southern region of Mozambique, April to November 2016

Pan Afr. med. j; 38 (26), 2021
Mozambique has a generalized HIV epidemic, among pregnant women, HIV prevalence is estimated at 15.8% with a vertical transmission rate of 14%, more than double global targets. We evaluate electronic national health information system (SIS-MA) performance to verify if the data flow procedures met its obj...

Reduced Placental Transfer of Antibodies Against a Wide Range of Microbial and Vaccine Antigens in HIV-Infected Women in Mozambique

Front. immunol; 12 (), 2021
Transplacental transfer of antibodies is essential for conferring protection in newborns against infectious diseases. We assessed the impact of different factors, including gestational age and maternal infections such as HIV and malaria, on the efficiency of cord blood levels and placental transfer of Ig...

Pregnancy cohorts and biobanking in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

BMJ glob. health; 5 (11), 2020
Background: Technological advances and high throughput biological assays can facilitate discovery science in biobanks from population cohorts, including pregnant women. Biological pathways associated with health outcomes differ depending on geography, and high-income country data may not generalise to lo...

Factores associados ao ganho de peso gestacional e aos resultados da gravidez das puérperas atendidas na consulta pós-parto do hospital distrital da manhiça, 2019
Factors associated with gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes of puerperal women seen in the postpartum consultation at manhiça dstrict hospital, 2019

O ganho de peso gestacional excessivo ou insuficiente é considerado como um factor de risco para a gestante e ao feto podendo ser influenciado por vários factores dentre eles: sócio-demográficos, clínicos, estilos de vida e obstétricos. Este estudo tinha como objectivo principal determinar o ganho ...

Community-level interventions for pre-eclampsia (CLIP) in Mozambique: A cluster randomised controlled trial

Objectives: Pregnancy hypertension is the third leading cause of maternal mortality in Mozambique and contributes significantly to fetal and neonatal mortality. The objective of this trial was to assess whether task-sharing care might reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes related to delays in triage, transpo...

Determining hematological, biochemical and immunological reference values in healthy adults with high-risk for HIV acquisition in Mozambique

n many African countries, laboratory reference values are not established for the local healthy adult population. In Mozambique, reference values are known for young adults (18- 24yo) but not yet established for a wider age range. Our study aimed to establish hematological, biochemical and immunological ...

First trimester use of artemisinin-based combination therapy and the risk of low birth weight and small for gestational age

Malar. j. (Online); 19 (1), 2020
While there is increasing evidence on the safety of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for the case management of malaria in early pregnancy, little is known about the association between exposure to ACT during the first trimester and the effect on fetal growth. Data were analysed from prospecti...