Resultados: 26

HIV Encephalopathy in ART-Naïve, Hospitalized Infants in Mozambique

Introduction: The neurodevelopmental impact of HIV infection in older children has been welldescribed, with characterization of HIV-associated encephalopathy (HIVE) and associated cognitive defects. HIVE is relatively common in older children who were vertically infected. The sparse literature on HIVE in...

Young people who inject drugs in Mozambique: should we emphasize them in the National Harm Reduction Plan?

Mozambique has one of the highest burdens of HIV globally, and people who inject drugs (PWID) have one of thehighest HIV infection rates in Africa. After the implementation of the first Biological Behavioral Surveillance (BBS) Survey among PWID in Mozambique, the Ministry of Health started the developmen...

Cancer in Mozambique: Results from two population-based cancer registries

Int. j. cancer; 147 (6), 2020
Results from two recently established population-based registries in Mozambique are reported: Beira in the central region (2014-2017) and Maputo, the capital city, in the South (2015-2017). The results are compared to those from Maputo (Lourenço Marques at the time) in 1956-1960 (appearing Cancer Incide...

Early Declines in Vaccine Type Pneumococcal Carriage in Children Less Than 5 Years Old After Introduction of 10-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Mozambique

Pneumococcal carriage is a precursor of invasive pneumococcal disease. Mozambique introduced 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) in April 2013, using a 3-dose schedule without a booster. We evaluated PCV10 impact on pneumococcal carriage and colonization density by HIV status. Methods: We c...

The role of HIV infection in the etiology and epidemiology of diarrheal disease among children aged 0–59 months in Manhiça District, Rural Mozambique

Int. j. infect. dis; 73 (4), 2018
The Global Enteric Multicenter Study enrolled children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) and less-severe diarrhea (LSD) between December 2007 and November 2012. One to three controls for MSD cases and one per LSD case were enrolled and matched by age, sex, and neighborhood. All children were tested ...

Managing Advanced HIV Disease in a Public Health Approach
Managing Advanced HIV Disease in a Public Health Approach

Clin Infect Dis; 66 (2), 2018
Em 2017, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) publicou diretrizes para o manejo da doença avançada pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) dentro de uma abordagem de saúde pública. Dados recentes sugerem que mais de um terço das pessoas que iniciam a terapêutica anti-retroviral (TARV) o fa...

HBV infection in untreated HIV-infected adults in Maputo, Mozambique
Correction: HBV infection in untreated HIV-infected adults in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 12 (12), 2017
Background HIV/ HBV coinfected patients are at high risk of developing chronic HBV infection, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In Mozambique, where HIV prevalence is one of the highest in the world, HIV-infected patients are scarcely characterized in terms of HBV coinfection and 3TC-resistan...

Resisting and tolerating P. falciparum in pregnancy under different malaria transmission intensities

BMC med; 15 (1), 2017
Resistance and tolerance to Plasmodium falciparum can determine the progression of malaria disease. However, quantitative evidence of tolerance is still limited. We investigated variations in the adverse impact of P. falciparum infections among African pregnant women under different intensities of malari...

Tuberculosis on the rise in southern Mozambique (1997-2012)

Eur. respir. j; 49 (3), 2017
Tuberculosis (TB) remains an important public health concern and a leading cause of disease and death worldwide. Mozambique is one of the few high-burden countries where incidence rates have not improved in recent years. The estimated TB incidence rate in 2014 was 552 cases per 100 000 population and t...

Is selective prenatal iron prophylaxis better than routine prophylaxis: final results of a trial (PROFEG) in Maputo, Mozambique

BMJ Open; 6 (6), 2016
To compare routine versus selective (ie, screening and treatment for anaemia) prenatal iron prophylaxis in a malaria-endemic and HIV-prevalent setting, an extended analysis including previously missing data. Design: A pragmatic randomised controlled clinical trial. Setting: 2 health centres in Maputo, ...