Resultados: 62

Men’s migration and women’s mortality in rural Mozambique

Soc. sci. med. (1982); 270 (113519), 2020
Labor migration is widespread and growing across the world. As migration grows, the economic outcomes of migration increasingly diversify, and so do its consequences for the well-being and health of both migrants and non-migrating household members. A considerable body of scholarship has examined the eff...

COVID-19 e Doença Cardiovascular: Uma Revisão da Literatura

A pandemia provocada pelo novo vírus, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS--CoV-2) iniciada na cidade de Wuhan, na China, alastrou-se rapidamente por todos os continentes, causando um enorme peso nos diferentes sistemas de saúde do mundo. Em África, apesar de eventualmente estar a ser...

Geostatistical analysis and mapping of malaria risk in children of Mozambique

PLos ONE; 15 (11), 2020
Malaria remains one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the tropics and subtropics, andMozambiqueisnotanexception. To design geographically targeted and effective intervention mechanisms of malaria, an up-to-date map that shows the spatial distribution of malaria is needed. This study analyzed 2...

Limitations to current methods to estimate cause of death: a validation study of a verbal autopsy model

Gates Open Res; 16 (1), 2020
Background: Accurate information on causes of death (CoD) is essential to estimate burden of disease, track global progress, prioritize cost-effective interventions, and inform policies to reduce mortality. In low-income settings, where a significant proportion of deaths take place at home or in poorly-r...

Causas de morte em crianças menores de 15 anos no distrito da Manhiça entre 2007 à 2016

A redução da mortalidade em crianças continua a ser uma das principais prioridades de saúde pública no mundo e em particular em Moçambique, visto que mais de seis milhões de crianças morrem a cada ano no mundo, antes de completar 5 anos de idade. Moçambique, apesar de ter registado uma significa...

Using hospital auxiliary worker and 24-h TB services as potential tools to overcome in hospital TB delays: a quasi-experimental study

Background: In-hospital logistic management barriers (LMB) are considered to be important risk factors for delays in TB diagnosis and treatment initiation (TB-dt), which perpetuates TB transmission and the development of TB morbidity and mortality. We assessed the contribution of hospital auxiliary worke...

Using hospital auxiliary worker and 24-h TB services as potential tools to overcome inhospital TB delays: a quasi-experimental study

In-hospital logistic management barriers (LMB) are considered to be important risk factors for delays in TB diagnosis and treatment initiation (TB-dt), which perpetuates TB transmission and the development of TB morbidity and mortality. We assessed the contribution of hospital auxiliary workers (HAWs) an...

Anuário estatistico de saúde 2019

Ao abrigo da Lei 7/96, que define as bases gerais do Sistema Estatístico Nacional, o Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), de acordo com o Despacho publicado no Boletim da República No. 39/2000, I Série, de 27 de Setembro de 2000, delega oficialmente a Direcção de Planificação e Cooperação (...

40 years of immunization in Mozambique: a narrative review of literature, accomplishments, and perspectives

In Mozambique, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was implemented in 1979 with the objective of reducing child mortality and morbidity through the provision of immunization services. This study aims to describe the characteristics of the EPI and review the available information related to immuniz...

Sistema de vigilância de eventos vitais e causas de morte (comsa), moçambique 2020
Surveillance system for vital events and causes of death (comsa), mozambique 2020

Em Janeiro de 2017, Moçambique lançou o Sistema de Vigilância de Eventos Vitais e Causas de Morte (COMSA) para estabelecer um sistema nacional de amostragem para registo de eventos vitais para monitorar a ocorrência de mortalidade e causas de morte a nível nacional e subnacional, incluindo o uso de ...