Resultados: 1530

The epidemiology of severe malaria at Manhiça District Hospital, Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of 20 years of malaria admissions surveillance data

Lancet Glob. Health; 10 (6), 2022
Most malaria burden estimates rely on modelling infection prevalence to case incidence data, with insufficient attention having been paid to the changing clinical presentation of severe disease and its relationship with changing transmission intensity. We present 20 years of longitudinal surveillance dat...

Play, create, transform: a pluriverse of children and childhoods from southern Mozambique

JBA; 10 (s2), 2022
Abstract: This article discusses the understanding of children as sociocultural beings and active agents in three communities in southern Mozambique as part of doctoral research from 2014–2018. This research study aimed to understand play as comprising meaningful activities for children and examine t...

Preparing for Disease X: Ensuring Vaccine Equity for Pregnant Women in Future Pandemics

Front. med. (Lausanne); 9 (893292), 2022
Disease X represents a yet unknown human pathogen which has potential to cause a serious international epidemic or pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated that despite being at increased risk of severe disease compared with the general population, pregnant women were left behind in the developmen...

Avalição da eficácia do tratamento profilático com isoniazida na incidência da tuberculose activa em pacientes hiv positivos menores de 15 anos no período de 2021 a 2017 em moçambique
Evaluation of the efficacy of prophylactic treatment with isoniazid on the incidence of active tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients under 15 years of age in the period from 2021 to 2017 in mozambique

Introdução: A Tuberculose (TB) continua sendo um grande problema de saúde pública em Moçambique, constando na lista das principais causas de morte nas nossas unidades sanitárias. A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) recomenda o tratamento profiláctico com isoniazida (TPI) em pessoas infectadas ...

Neighbors' use of water and sanitation facilities can affect children's health: a cohort study in Mozambique using a spatial approach

BMC public health (Online); 22 (983), 2022
Background: Impact evaluation of most water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in health are user-centered. However, recent research discussed WASH herd protection - community WASH coverage could protect neighboring households. We evaluated the effect of water and sanitation used in the househo...

Etiology of meningitis among adults in three quaternary hospitals in Mozambique, 2016-2017: The role of HIV

PLos ONE; 17 (5), 2022
Antecedentes: A meningite continua a ser uma causa importante de morbimortalidade em adultos na África Subsaariana. Os dados sobre a investigação etiológica da meningite em adultos em Moçambique são limitados e a maioria dos estudos foram realizados no sul de Moçambique. A identificação da etiol...

Prompt HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral treatment in postpartum women is crucial for prevention of mother to child transmission during breastfeeding: Survey results in a high HIV prevalence community in southern Mozambique after the implementation of Option B

PLos ONE; 17 (8), 2022
orld Health Organization recommends promoting breastfeeding without restricting its duration among HIV-positive women on lifelong antiretroviral treatment (ART). There is little data on breastfeeding duration and mother to child transmission (MTCT) beyond 24 months. We compared the duration of breastfeed...

Human-Centered Design for Public Health Innovation: Codesigning a Multicomponent Intervention to Support Youth Across the HIV Care Continuum in Mozambique

Glob. health sci. pract; 10 (22), 2022
Adolescents and young people represent a growing proportion of people living with HIV (AYAHIV), and there is an urgent need to design, implement, and test interventions that retain AYAHIV in care. Using a human-centered design (HCD) approach, we codesigned CombinADO, an intervention to promote HIV viral ...

Cohort Profile Update: Manhiça Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) of the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM)

Int. j. epidemiol; 17 (4), 2022
The Manhic¸a Health Research Centre [Centro de Investigac¸~ao em Sau´de de Manhic¸a (CISM)] has been running a Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) since 1996, in the district of Manhic¸a, 80 km North of Maputo City (the capital of Mozambique). As indicated in the original cohort profil...

Papel da Liderança na Motivação, Desempenho e Produtividade dos Funcionários do Serviço Distrital de Saúde, Mulher e Acção Social de Nicoadala, Província da Zambézia entre 2019 e 2020
The Role of Leadership in the Motivation, Performance and Productivity of Employees of the Service of Nicoadala, Zambezia Province between 2019 and 2020. 2020

Actualmente as organizações passam por diversas mudanças que levam as instituições a terem uma liderança que renova suas estratégias de motivação em seu cotidiano. O estudo intitulado “ papel da liderança na motivação, desempenho e produtividade dos funcionários do Serviço Distrital de Sa...