Resultados: 1530

Plano Estratégico Multissectorial de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças Não Transmissíveis 2020 – 2029

Em Moçambique, à semelhança de muitos países, o desenvolvimento económico está a trazer grandes benefícios, mas também mudanças negativas na dieta e estilos de vida. É preocupante a tendência crescente de prevalência de factores de risco e doenças como hipertensão arterial, obesidade, diabe...

Manual de Técnicas de Diagnóstico Microscópico de Parasitas Intestinais e Urinários/Vesicais
Manual of Microscopic Diagnostic Techniques for Intestinal and Urinary/Vesical Parasites

Os parasitas intestinais e urinários constituem um problema de saúde pública no País afectando principalmente os menores de cinco anos e indivíduos em idade escolar. Estes, são responsáveis pela ausência dos alunos nas escolas, comprometimento no desenvolvimento cognitivo, diarreia, desnutrição...

Impacts of COVID-19-related service disruptions on TB incidence and deaths in Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Mozambique, and Peru: Implications for national TB responses

Initial global-level estimates reported in June 2020 by the World Health Organization suggested that levels of disruption to TB service delivery could be as high as 25%-50% and result in an additional 6·3 million cases of tuberculosis (TB) and an additional 1·4 million TB-related deaths attributable to...

Factors associated with malaria care seeking among children under 5 years of age in Mozambique: a secondary analysis of the 2018 Malaria Indicator Survey

Malar. j. (Online); 21 (1), 2022
Background: Mozambique is ranked fourth in a list of the 29 countries that accounted for 95% of all malaria cases globally in 2019. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with care seeking for fever, to determine the association between knowledge about malaria and care seeking and to de...

Keeping essential reproductive, maternal and child health services available during COVID-19 in Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe: analysis of early-pandemic policy guidelines

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the provision of essential reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) services in sub-Saharan Africa to varying degrees. Original models estimated as many as 1,157,000 additional child and 56,700 maternal deaths globally due to health service ...

Determinants of immunisation dropout among children under the age of 2 in Zambézia province, Mozambique: a community-based participatory research study using Photovoice

BMJ Open; 12 (3), 2022
Objective Immunisations are highly impactful, cost-effective public health interventions. However, substantial gaps in complete vaccination coverage persist. We aimed to describe caregivers’ immunisation experiences and identify determinants of vaccine dropout. Design We used a community-based partici...

Effectiveness of Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine in Mozambique, a Country with a High Burden of Chronic Malnutrition

Vaccine; 10 (449), 2022
Mozambique introduced monovalent rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix®) in September 2015. We evaluated the effectiveness of Rotarix® under conditions of routine use in Mozambican children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis (AGE). A test negative case-control analysis was performed on data collected during ...

Helios expressing regulatory T cells are correlated with decreased IL-2 producing CD8 T cells and antibody diversity in Mozambican individuals living chronically with HIV-1

BMC immunol. (Online); 23 (12), 2022
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) causes impairment of T and B cell responses, which begins during the acute phase of infection and is not completely restored by antiretroviral treatment. Regulatory T cell (Tregs) can improve overall disease outcome by controlling chronic inflammati...

Factors associated with knowledge about malaria prevention among women of reproductive age, Tete Province, Mozambique, 2019-2020

Malar. j. (Online); 21 (76), 2022
Background: Mozambique is a malaria endemic country with an estimated prevalence of malaria in children 6-59 months old that is twice as high in rural areas (46.0%) as in urban areas (18.0%). However, only 46.0% of women aged 15-49 years had complete knowledge about malaria in 2018. This study aimed to i...

Genetic characterisation of south african and mozambican bovine rotaviruses reveals a typical bovine-like artiodactyl constellation derived through multiple reassortment events

PloS pathog; 20 (2), 2022
This study presents whole genomes of seven bovine rotavirus strains from South Africa and Mozambique. Double-stranded RNA, extracted from stool samples without prior adaptation to cell culture, was used to synthesise cDNA using a self-annealing anchor primer ligated to dsRNA and random hexamers. The cDNA...