Resultados: 65

The impact of a malaria elimination initiative on school outcomes: Evidence from southern Mozambique

Econ. hum. biol; 44 (101100), 2022
Despite the significant improvements achieved over the last ten years, primary education attainment in Mozambique is still low. Potential reasons acting from the demand perspective include ill health, among other factors. In Mozambique, ill health is still largely linked to malaria, which is a leading ca...

Cost and cost-effectiveness of indoor residual spraying with pirimiphos-methyl in a high malaria transmission district of Mozambique with high access to standard insecticide-treated nets

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (1), 2021
Background: As malaria cases increase in some of the highest burden countries, more strategic deployment of new and proven interventions must be evaluated to meet global malaria reduction goals. Methods: The cost and cost-effectiveness of indoor residual spraying (IRS) with pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic®3...

The short-term impact of a malaria elimination initiative in Southern Mozambique: application of the synthetic control method to routine surveillance data

J. health econ; 30 (9), 2021
In public health epidemiology, quasi-experimental methods are widely used to estimate the causal impacts of interventions. In this paper, we demonstrate the contribution the synthetic control method (SCM) can make in evaluating public health interventions, when routine surveillance data are available and...

Prospective surveillance study to detect antimalarial drug resistance, gene deletions of diagnostic relevance and genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum in Mozambique: protocol

BMJ Open; 12 (7), 2021
Introduction: Genomic data constitute a valuable adjunct to routine surveillance that can guide programmatic decisions to reduce the burden of infectious diseases. However, genomic capacities remain low in Africa. This study aims to operationalise a functional malaria molecular surveillance system in Moz...

Geostatistical analysis and mapping of malaria risk in children of Mozambique

PLos ONE; 15 (11), 2020
Malaria remains one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the tropics and subtropics, andMozambiqueisnotanexception. To design geographically targeted and effective intervention mechanisms of malaria, an up-to-date map that shows the spatial distribution of malaria is needed. This study analyzed 2...

Demographic and health community-based surveys to inform a malaria elimination project in magude district, southern Mozambique

BMJ Open; 10 (5), 2020
Objectives: A Demographic and Health Platform was established in Magude in 2015, prior to the deployment of a project aiming to evaluate the feasibility of malaria elimination in southern Mozambique, named the Magude project. This platform aimed to inform the design, implementation and evaluation of the ...

High proportion of unknown HIV exposure status among children aged less than 2 years: An analytical study using the 2015 National AIDS Indicator Survey in Mozambique

PLoS One; 15 (4), 2020
Background: Determination of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposure status in infants and young children is required to guarantee timely diagnosis and access to appropriate care. HIV prevalence among Mozambican women aged 15-49 years is 15%, and vertical transmission rate is still high. The stud...

Infant vaccination against malaria in Mozambique and in Togo: mapping parents' willingness to get their children vaccinated

Background: Malaria is one of the most widespread and deadly diseases worldwide and large majority of malaria cases and deaths occurs in Africa. Efforts to develop an effective vaccine against malaria are underway and several vaccine prototypes are on different clinical trial phases.Objective: As many su...

Counter-Selection of Antimalarial Resistance Polymorphisms by Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy

J. infect. dis; 221 (2), 2020
Background: Innovative approaches are needed to limit antimalarial resistance evolution. Understanding the role of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) on the selection for resistance and the impact such selection has on pregnancy outcomes can guide future interventions. Methods: Plasmod...

Estimation of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test–positive febrile outpatients in three provinces of mozambique, 2018

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 102 (1), 2020
Like most malaria-endemic countries, Mozambique relies on tabulation of confirmed malaria test–positive febrile patients to track incidence of malaria. However, this approach is potentially biased by incidental malaria parasitemia in patients with fever of another etiology. We compared pan-Plasmodium a...