Djimde, Moussa;
Tshiongo, Japhet Kabalu;
Muhindo, Hypolite Mavoko;
Tinto, Halidou;
Sevene, Esperança;
Traore, aminata;
Vala, Anifa;
Macuacua, Salesio;
Kabore, Berenger;
Dabira, Edgard Diniba;
Erhart, Annette;
Diakite, Hamadoun;
Keita, Mohamed;
Piqueras, Mireia;
González, Raquel;
Menendez, clara;
Dorlo, Thomas Pc;
Sagara, Issaka;
Mens, Petra;
Schallig, Henk;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Kayentao, Kassoum.
Malaria infection during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight and infant mortality and should be prevented and treated. Artemisinin-based combination treatments are generally well tolerated, safe and effective; the most used being artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquin...
Malária Falciparum/terapia,
Artemisininas/efeitos da radiação,
Combinação Arteméter e Lumefantrina,
Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto,
Controle de Infecções,
População da África Subsaariana,
Artemeter/uso terapêutico,
Antimaláricos/efeitos da radiação,
Schacht, caroline de;
Amorim, gustavo;
Rompaey, sara van;
Melo, mayra;
Verissimo, cheinaze;
Naftal, anibal;
Graves, erin;
Bilhete, fernandes;
Tique, josé;
Wester, c william.
The community adherence support group (CASG) was one of the first differentiated service delivery (DSD) models introduced in Mozambique. This study assessed the impact of this model on retention in care, loss to follow-up (LTFU), and viral suppression among antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated adults in ...
Comorbidities are defined as the simultaneous occurrence of two or more diseases within the same individual. Comorbidities can delay a patient's recovery and increase the costs of treatment. Assessing comorbidities can provide local health care policy-makers with evidence of the most common multi-health ...
Background: Malaria is endemic throughout Mozambique, contributing significantly to the country's burden of disease. Prompt and effective treatment for fevers in children can limit the mortality and morbidity impacts of the disease but many children in the country are not taken for formal care when ill. ...
Globally, antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella spp. cause healthcare-associated infections with high mortality rates, and the rise of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKp) poses a significant threat to human health linked to community-acquired infections and increasing non-susceptibility. We investigated...
Infecções Comunitárias Adquiridas,
Amicacina/provisão & distribuição,
Klebsiella pneumoniae/imunologia,
Infecções por Klebsiella/diagnóstico,
Infecções por Klebsiella/epidemiologia
A Cárie Precoce de Infância, é a doença crónica mais comum nos primeiros anos de
vida e, actualmente, representa um grande problema para a saúde pública mundial, tanto em
países industrializados quanto em desenvolvimento, afectando uma considerável proporção de crianças pré-escolares. Esta d...
Rees, Chris A;
Igunza, Kitiezo Aggrey;
Madewell, Zachary J;
Akelo, Victor;
Onyango, Dickens;
Arifeen, Shams El;
Gurley, Emily S;
Hossain, Mohammad Zahid;
Rahman, Afruna;
Alam, Muntasir;
Scott, J Anthony G;
Assefa, Nega;
Madrid, Lola;
Belachew, Anteneh;
Leulseged, Haleluya;
Kotloff, Karen L;
Sow, Samba O;
Tapia, Milagritos D;
Keita, Adama Mamby;
Sidibe, Diakaridia;
Sitoe, Antonio;
Varo, Rosauro;
Ajanovic, Sara;
Bassat, Quique;
Mandomando, Inácio;
Barr, Beth A Tippett;
Ogbuanu, Ikechukwu;
Cain, Carrie Jo;
Bassey, Ima-Abasi;
Luke, Ronita;
Gassama, Khadija;
Madhi, Shabir;
Dangor, Ziyaad;
Mahtab, Sana;
Velaphi, Sithembiso;
Toit, Jeanie du;
Mutevedzi, Portia C;
Blau, Dianna M;
Breiman, Robert F;
Whitney, Cynthia G.
Background: Most childhood deaths globally are considered preventable through high-quality clinical care, which includes adherence to clinical care recommendations. Our objective was to describe adherence to World Health Organization recommendations for the management of leading causes of death among chi...
O'Bryan, Emma;
Imputiua, Saimado;
Elobolobo, Eldo;
Nicolas, Patricia;
Montana 1 2, Julia;
Jamisse, Edgar;
Munguambe, Humberto;
Casellas, Aina;
Castillo, Paula Ruiz;
Rabinovich, Regina;
Saute, Francisco;
Sacoor, Charfudin;
Chaccour, Carlos.
Background: Snakebite is a neglected disease that disproportionally affects the rural poor. There is a dearth of evidence regarding incidence and risk factors in snakebite-endemic countries. Without this basic data, it will be impossible to achieve the target of a 50% reduction of snakebite morbidity and...
Introduction: The use of face masks is one of the preventive measures that Mozambique adopted in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. A study carried out from May 25 to June 6, 2020 found that although many wore masks, incorrect use was observed in 27.5% of the population observed. This data collection...
Xie, Kexi;
Marathe, Achla;
Deng, Xinwei;
Castillo, Paula Ruiz;
Imputiua, Saimado;
Elobolobo, Eldo;
Mutepa, Victor;
Sale 5, Mussa;
Nicolas, Patricia;
Montana, julia.
Background Residual malaria transmission is the result of adaptive mosquito behavior that allows malaria vectors to thrive and sustain transmission in the presence of good access to bed nets or insecticide residual spraying. These behaviors include crepuscular and outdoor feeding as well as intermittent ...
Inquéritos Epidemiológicos,
Saúde Única,
Dados Estatísticos,
Anafilaxia Cutânea Passiva/efeitos dos fármacos,
Indicadores e Reagentes,
Inquéritos e Questionários/estatística & dados numéricos,
Malária/tratamento farmacológico,
Malária/prevenção & controle,
Malária Falciparum/complicações