Resultados: 1531

Children’s Nutritional Rehabilitation Program in Beira, Mozambique: A Retrospective Study

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 105 (6), 2021
Malnutrition is still a major public health issue in sub-Saharan Africa and Mozambique. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the adherence to the nutritional rehabilitation program (NRP) and its impact on the growth of malnourished children in Beira, Mozambique. The secondary aim was to verify the ...

Efetividade do rastreio remoto da retinopatia diabética em doentes encaminhados para a Associação Moçambicana de Diabetes (AMODIA): um estudo observacional retrospectivo

Acta diabetol; 59 (4), 2021
Abstract Aims Diabetes represents a growing public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, where diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major cause of permanent visual loss. We reported the results of a remote screening of DR among urbanized Mozambican people with diabetes. Methods We retrospectively collected...

Assessment of the Feasibility, Acceptability, and Impact of Implementing Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in Nampula Province, Mozambique: Protocol for a Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study

JMIR research protocols; 10 (9), 2021
Background Malaria is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children aged under 5 years in Mozambique. The World Health Organization recommends seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC), the administration of four monthly courses of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and amodiaquine (AQ), to childre...

Comprehensive knowledge and HIV prevalence in two migrant mineworkers’ communities of origin in Gaza Province in Southern Mozambique: evidence from a cross-sectional survey

Pan Afr. med. j; 40 (19), 2021
Introduction: migrant mine workers are susceptible to engage in risky sexual behaviour due to their high mobility, putting at risk their families and home communities. Because comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS is a key factor in reducing HIV infections, this study aims to understand the current...

Natural disasters, population displacement and health emergencies: multiple public health threats in Mozambique

BMJ glob. health; 6 (9), 2021
No início de 2019, após a grave seca de 2015-2016, as províncias de Sofala e Cabo Delgado, em Moçambique, foram atingidas pelos ciclones Idai e Kenneth, respectivamente. Estes foram os ciclones mais mortíferos e destrutivos da história do país. Actualmente, estas duas províncias acolhem dezenas d...

Incidência de falência terapêutica aos regimes de tratamento antirretroviral (tarv) de primeira escolha em crianças menores de 15 anos em moçambique, ano de 2019

Moçambique tem uma das maiores epidemias de HIV em crianças no continente africano. Estimava-se que 150 mil crianças entre 0 a 14 anos viviam com HIV em 20191 . Embora o acesso ao Tratamento Antirretroviral (TARV) ainda constitua um desafio, com apenas 63% das crianças vivendo com HIV em TARV em 2019...

Utilization of a local 'Malaria Post' indicates that carers from a village in Mozambique respond appropriately to malaria attacks

Acta trop.; 221 (106017), 2021
As malaria elimination becomes a possibility the focus of interventions changes from vector control to disease control. It is important that treatment occurs early during an infection in order for it to be efficacious, especially at the population level. The time between the onset of symptoms and treatme...

The short-term impact of a malaria elimination initiative in Southern Mozambique: application of the synthetic control method to routine surveillance data

J. health econ; 30 (9), 2021
In public health epidemiology, quasi-experimental methods are widely used to estimate the causal impacts of interventions. In this paper, we demonstrate the contribution the synthetic control method (SCM) can make in evaluating public health interventions, when routine surveillance data are available and...

Facing COVID‑19 in times of armed conflicts in Northern and Central regions of Mozambique

J. public health policy; 42 (3), 2021
Mozambique is facing two great adversaries. One is COVID-19 that claimed 132 confirmed deaths and 15,866 infections in its first round since the first case recorded on 22 March 2020 until 2 December 2020 [1]. The second is the armed conflicts in the Northern region of Mozambique perpetrated by armed f...

Putative pathogen-selected polymorphisms in the PKLR gene are associated with mycobacterial susceptibility in Brazilian and African populations

PLoS Negl Trop Dis; 15 (8), 2021
Investigation of human genes under pathogen-driven selection as Plasmodium sp. has pinpointed genetic variants that participate in the adaptation to the environment and/or are related to severities of human diseases. The current study examined an example of an evolutionary trade-off in which genetic vari...