Total: 1827

Plano estratégico nacional de resposta ao hiv e sida - pen v (2021 - 2025)

O Plano Estratégico Nacional (PEN) de Resposta ao HIV e SIDA 2021-2025 é o quinto plano de Moçambique. Baseia-se no progresso alcançado até o momento, aborda as causas da epidemia e lacunas identificadas durante os últimos cinco anos e busca ampliar as melhores práticas para garantir que a qualida...

Blood pressure thresholds in pregnancy for identifying maternal and infant risk: a secondary analysis of Community-Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) trial data

Lancet Glob. Health; 9 (8), 2021
Background: Blood pressure measurement is a marker of antenatal care quality. In well resourced settings, lower blood pressure cutoffs for hypertension are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. We aimed to study the associations between blood pressure thresholds and adverse outcomes and the diagnos...

Pesquisa de implementação para melhoria de cuidados em oncologia cirúrgica no departamento de cirurgias do hospital central de Maputo
Research to improve surgical oncological care on the surgical department, maputo central hospital

Objetivo: No sentido de avaliar e implementar um programa de qualidade nos cuidados especializados prestados aos doentes oncológicos, que necessitam de intervenções cirúrgicas no Departamento Cirúrgico do Hospital Central de Maputo (HCM), o maior hospital de Moçambique, conduzimos a presente invest...

Traditional healers as client advocates in the HIV-endemic region of maputo, mozambique: results from a qualitative study

Sahara J (Online); 18 (1), 2021
Traditional healers are commonly utilised throughout sub-Saharan Africa instead of - and in concert with - biomedical facilities. Traditional healers are trusted providers and prominent community members and could be important partners in improving engagement with HIV services in endemic contexts. Our st...

Cyclone Idai as a Trigger for Pellagra Outbreak in Nhamatanda, Mozambique: A Case-Control Study

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 108 (8), 2021
In mid-June 2019, 3 months after cyclone Idai landfall in Mozambique, health authorities of Nhamatanda district reported an outbreak of Pellagra. Applying a mixed-method protocol, we carried out an investigation to characterize cases of pellagra, identify the associated factors for the outbreak using a c...

Violência em crianças, estudo de casos hospitalizados e seguidos nos serviços de Urgência de Pediatria e Medicina Legal no Hospital Central de Maputo em 2019
Violence in children, a study of cases hospitalized and followed up in the pediatrics and forensic medicine emergency services at maputo central hospital in 2019

Introdução: Em Moçambique, anualmente, milhares de crianças são vítimas de violência, incluindo as suas formas mais extremas, como a violência física e sexual, o que compromete a saúde física e psicológica destas crianças. Objectivo: Analisar a violência nas crianças, em relação às cara...

Adolescent, Pregnant, and HIV-Infected: Risk of Adverse Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcomes in Young Women from Southern Mozambique

Jpn. j. clin. med; 10 (8), 2021
Sub-Saharan Africa concentrates the burden of HIV and the highest adolescent fertility rates. However, there is limited information about the impact of the interaction between adolescence and HIV infection on maternal health in the region. Data collected prospectively from three clinical trials conducted...

HIV infection and placental malaria reduce maternal transfer of multiple antimalarial antibodies in Mozambican women
HIV infection and placental malaria reduce maternal transfer of multiple antimalarial antibodies in Mozambican women

J. infect; 82 (4), 2021
Maternal Plasmodium falciparum-specific antibodies may contribute to protect infants against severe malaria. Our main objective was to evaluate the impact of maternal HIV infection and placental malaria on the cord blood levels and efficiency of placental transfer of IgG and IgG subclasses. Methods: In ...

A Disponibilidade da Água e a Acessibilidade das Infraestruturas nas Unidades Sanitárias
The Availability of Water and the Accessibility of Infrastructure in Sanitary Units

O desafio de combate a pobreza através da promoção do desenvolvimento social e económico sustentável requer, cada vez mais, o aperfeiçoamento dos sistemas e processos de planificação pública, bem como progressos visíveis na reforma da administração pública, em prol da elevação permanente d...

Neurocysticercosis in Epileptic Children: An Overlooked Condition in Mozambique, Challenges in Diagnosis, Management and Research Priorities

Previous studies suggest that neurocysticercosis (NCC), the most common cause of acute symptomatic seizures (ASS), epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorders, typically presents with a solitary lesion and focal seizures in children from places where cysticercosis is endemic. We report a series of 3 pa...