A Política de Saude e a estrategia de sua implementaçao aprovada pelo Governo de Moçambique, estao orientadas para determinantes sociais de saude, cujo objectivo e promover a melhoria das condiçoes e modos de vida das populaçoes.
Paralelamente, o Plano Estrategico do Sector Saude 2015 – 2019 (2020...
Chisenga, Mukosha;
Dlamini, Bongani;
Mwendera, Nyasha;
Maquina, Paulo;
Hamainza, Busiku;
Martins, José Franco;
Saute, Francisco;
Bock, Henrico;
Gosling, Roly;
Bennett, Adam;
Smith, Jennifer;
Kleinschmidt, Immo.
Background The importation of parasites across borders remains a threat to malaria elimination. The Southern African Development Community Malaria Elimination Eight (E8) established 39 border health facilities on 5 key international borders between high and low-burden countries. These clinics aimed to im...
Mozambique has one of the world's highest HIV/AIDS burdens. Despite significant investment in HIV care and treatment, pregnant and lactating women's retention in care remains suboptimal. One reason for poor maternal retention is lack of male partner support. We tested an interventional couple-based HIV c...
Koech, angela;
Omuse, geoffrey;
Mugo, alex g;
Mwaniki, isaac g;
Mutunga, joseph m;
Mukhanya, moses w;
Wanje, onesmus;
Mwashigadi, grace m;
Katana, geoffrey g;
Craik, rachel;
Dadelszen, peter von;
Doare, kirsty le.
Seroprevalence studies are an alternative approach to estimating the extent of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the evolution of the pandemic in different geographical settings. We aimed to determine the SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence from March 2020 to March 2022 in a rural and urban setting in Kilifi County, ...
Mozambique has experienced a series of tobacco industry consolidations both in tobacco leaf buying and processing, and in cigarette manufacturing and marketing. The growth of the tobacco industry presence in Mozambique was followed by an increase in tobacco industry’s Corporate Social Responsibility (C...
Background: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a complex of eye and visual problems that arise while using a computer or other Video Display Terminal (DVT). With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of these DVTs has become indispensable in the lives of students and teachers. This study aims to id...
Vubil, Adolfo;
Zicai, Ana Flora;
Sitoe, Nádia;
Nhachigule, Carina;
Costa, Paulino da;
Magul, Cacildo;
Meggi, Bindiya;
Viegas, Sofia;
Mabunda, Nédio;
Jani, Ilesh.
ABSTRACT Dried blood spot (DBS) may overestimate the viral RNA, mainly in patients
with low viral load (VL), due to proviral DNA and intracellular RNA. The Burnett and
HemaSpot provide integrated solutions for the collection, separation, and drying of
plasma from whole blood. This study aims to evalua...
Oludele, John;
Alho, Pascoal;
Chongo, Inocêncio;
Maholela, Plácida;
Magaia, Vlademiro;
Muianga, Argentina;
Melchior, Bibiana;
Isaías, Telma;
Gatambire, Aline;
Zimba, Edna;
Nhavoto, Emídio;
Notiço, a;
Inguana, Pedro;
Cantoria, Juma;
António, Virgílio;
Monteiro, Vanessa;
Ali, Sádia;
Inlamea, Osvaldo;
Gudo, Eduardo Samo.
Emerging zoonotic diseases are an increasing threat to public health. There is little data on the seroprevalence of zoonotic diseases among pastoralists in the country. We aim to carry out a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of major zoonotic diseases among pastoral communities in the Caia and Búz...
Anticorpos Antivirais/imunologia,
Vírus Hantaan/imunologia,
Febre Hemorrágica da Crimeia/virologia,
Febre Hemorrágica da Crimeia/prevenção & controle,
Rickettsia/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Arikawa, shino;
Tchankoni, martin kouame;
Atekpe, somiabalo P;
Oubou, tinah atcha;
Romero, antía eigueroa;
Fombah, augustin E;
Saute, francisco;
Samai, mohamed;
Menendez, clara;
Gonzalez, raquel;
Briand, valérie.
Background: Malaria remains the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in young children in sub-Saharan Africa. To prevent malaria in children living in moderate-to-high malaria transmission areas, the World Health Organization has recommended perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC). Prior to piloting ...