Resultados: 40

HIV status, Fertility Intentions, and Contraception in the Era of Expanded Access to Antiretroviral Therapy: A Case Study of Rural Mozambique

Glob. public health; 13 (5), 2016
Provision of effective contraception to HIV-positive women of reproductive age is critical to effective management of HIV infection and prevention of both vertical and horizontal HIV transmission in developing countries. This exploratory retrospective study examines contraceptive use during the prolonged...

Sustainable HIV Treatment in Africa through Viral Load-Informed Differentiated Care

Nature (Lond.); 528 (7580), 2015
There are inefficiencies in current approaches to monitoring patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. Patients typically attend clinics every 1–3 months for clinical assessment, with clinic costs being comparable with costs of drugs themselves, CD4 counts are measured every 6 mon...

Post-ART Symptoms Were Not the Problem: A Qualitative Study on Adherence to ART in HIV-Infected Patients in a Mozambican Rural Hospital

PLos ONE; 10 (9), 2015
Objective: The objective of this qualitative study was to explore how clinical symptoms may affect adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV patients, and to explore factors, perceptions and attitudes related to adherence to therapy. Design: A qualitative study was carried out in the context of th...

Determinants of virological failure and antiretroviral drug resistance in Mozambique

J. antimicrob. chemother; 70 (9), 2015
Objectives: The objective of this study was to inform public health actions to limit first-line ART failure and HIV drug resistance in Mozambique. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. HIV-1-infected adults on first-line ART for at least 1 year attending routine visits in the Manhiça District Hospi...

Temporal Trends in Patient Characteristics and Outcomes Among Children Enrolled in Mozambique's National Antiretroviral Therapy Program

Pediatr. infect. dis. j; 34 (8), 2015
During 2004-2009, >12,000 children (<15 years old) initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Mozambique. Nationally representative outcomes and temporal trends in outcomes were investigated. Methods: Rates of death, loss to follow-up (LTFU) and attrition (death or LTFU) were evaluated in a nationally re...

Two-Year Death and Loss to Follow-Up Outcomes by Source of Referral to HIV Care for HIV-Infected Patients Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy in Rural Mozambique

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 31 (2), 2015
We studied patient outcomes by type of referral site following 2 years of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) during scale-up from June 2006 to July 2011 in Mozambique’s rural Zambe´zia Province. Loss to followup (LTFU) was defined as no contact within 60 days after scheduled medication pickup. ...

Antiretroviral Therapy Program Expansion in Zambézia Province, Mozambique: Geospatial Mapping of Community-Based and Health Facility Data for Integrated Health Planning

PLos ONE; 9 (10), 2014
Objective To generate maps reflecting the intersection of community-based Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) delivery points with facility-based HIV program demographic information collected at the district level in three districts (Ile, Maganja da Costa and Chinde) of Zambézia Province, Mozambique;...

Plano de aceleracao da resposta ao HIV e SIDA. Mocambique 2013-2015. uma geracao livre de sida. esta ao nosso alcance
Plan to accelerate the response to HIV and AIDS. Mozambique 2013-2015. an AIDS-free generation. it is within our reach

A epidemia do HIV, em Moçambique, continua a ameaçar o futuro social e económico do país. Em alguns locais do país, mais de um quarto dos adultos estão infectados. A prevalência nacional do HIV é a oitava mais alta do mundo. Ao longo da década passada, Moçambique realizou avanços encorajadores...

The effect of tuberculosis and antiretroviral treatment on CD4+ cell count response in HIV-positive tuberculosis patients in Mozambique

BMC public health (Online); 12 (670), 2012
Tuberculosis (TB) presents a serious problem in Mozambique. HIV prevalence among TB patients is estimated at 47%. A delay in having their first CD4+ cell count could lead to a missed opportunity for ART initiation due to a CD4+ cell increase above the cut-off caused by TB treatment. The objective is to d...

A quality management systems approach for CD4 testing in resource-poor settings

Am. j. clin. pathol; 134 (4), 2010
Quality assurance (QA) is a systematic process to monitor and improve clinical laboratory practices. The fundamental components of a laboratory QA program include providing a functional and safe laboratory environment, trained and competent personnel, maintained equipment, adequate supplies and reagents,...