Resultados: 1535

Viral load assay performs comparably to early infant diagnosis assay to diagnose infants with HIV in Mozambique: a prospective observational study

J. int. aids soc; 23 (), 2020
Introduction: Viral load testing is essential to manage HIV disease, especially in infants and children. Early infant diagnosis (EID) is performed using nucleic-acid testing in children under 18 months. Resource-limited health systems face severe challenges to scale-up both viral load and EID to unpreced...

Cardiovascular Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa Compared to High-Income Countries: An Epidemiological Perspective

Glob. heart (Online); 15 (1), 2020
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the second common cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounting for about 35% of all deaths, after a composite of communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases. Despite prior perception of low NCDs mortality rates, current evidence suggests that S...

Usability and Feasibility of an Innovative mLearning Approach for Nurses Providing Option B+ Services in Manica and Sofala Provinces, Mozambique

The scaling of Option B+ services, whereby all pregnant women who test HIV positive are started on lifelong antiretroviral therapy upon diagnosis regardless of CD4 T-cell count, is ongoing in many high HIV burden, low-resource countries. We developed and evaluated a tablet-based mobile learning (mLearnin...

Plano de acção multissectorial para melhorar a resposta dos programas de redução e prevenção da desnutrição: Distrito de montepuez província de cabo delgado
Multisectoral action plan to improve the response of programs to reduce and prevent malnutrition: montepuez district cabo delgado province

Como parte das actividades planificadas do Convénio de Nutrição, “Melhorar a saúde da população, com incidência nos seus Determinantes Sociais e especial enfoque na nutrição, através do fortalecimento dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários como a melhor estratégia para garantir o Direito à Saúd...

Relatório Anual da DNFPS 2019

O presente relatório apresenta as estatísticas da Direcção Nacional de Formação de Profissionais de Saúde (DNFPS). Estes resultados constituem uma importante fonte de informação para a tomada de decisões sobre as medidas necessárias para a melhoria do desempenho do setor da saúde. O êxito d...

Spatial Distribution of HIV Prevalence among Young People in Mozambique

Abstract: Mozambique has a high burden of HIV and is currently ranked sixth worldwide for adult prevalence. In Mozambique, HIV prevalence is not uniformly distributed geographically and throughout the population. We investigated the spatial distribution of HIV infection among adolescents and young people...

Prevalence and risk factors of sexually transmitted infections and cervical neoplasia in women from a rural area of southern mozambique

Infect. dis. obstet. gynecol; 2010 (609315), 2020
There is limited information on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and the prevalence of cervical neoplasia in rural sub-Saharan Africa. This study describes the prevalence and the etiology of STIs and the prevalence of cervical neoplasia among women in southern Mozambique. An age-stratifi...

Plano nacional de tripla eliminação da transmissão vertical do hiv, sfilis e hepatite b em moçambique 2020-2024

Registou-se um avanço significativo em Moçambique na prevenção da transmissão vertical de mãe para filho (PTV), desde o lançamento do primeiro Plano de Eliminação da Transmissão Vertical em 2012: a testagem e tratamento do HIV em mulheres grávidas e lactantes estão totalmente integrados nos s...

Proportions of CD4 test results indicating advanced HIV disease remain consistently high at primary health care facilities across four high HIV burden countries

PLos ONE; 15 (1), 2020
Background: Globally, nearly 22 million HIV-infected patients are currently accessing antiretroviral treatment; however, almost one million people living with HIV died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2018. Advanced HIV disease remains a significant issue to curb HIV-related mortality. Methods: We analyzed 8...