Perdigão, joão;
Silva, carla;
Diniz, jaciara;
Pereira, catarina;
Machado, diana;
Ramos, jorge;
Silva, hugo;
Abilleira, fernanda;
Brum, clarice;
Reis, Ana, J.
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major health problem within the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP). Despite the marked variation in TB incidence across its member-states and continued human migratory flux between countries, a considerable gap in the knowledge on the Mycobacterium tube...
Em Maio de 2016, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) adoptou uma estratégia global com
objectivo de eliminar a hepatite viral como ameaça à saúde pública até 2030. Para a Hepatite B e
C, as metas a serem alcançadas são ambiciosas e englobam: redução de 90% de novos casos,
redução de 65% d...
Hepatite B,
Saúde Pública,
Protocolos Clínicos,
Estratégias de Saúde,
Hepatite Viral Humana/prevenção & controle,
Hepatite Viral Humana/diagnóstico,
Hepatite Viral Humana/tratamento farmacológico,
Hepatite Viral Humana/mortalidade,
Hepatite C,
Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a mycotoxin frequently found in agricultural commodities. The toxin poses a considerable risk for human and animal health.
FB1 is among several mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp. contaminating virtually any cereal and other Poaceae. Their intracellular action includes the promotio...
Background: In a background of renewed calls for malaria eradication, several endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa are contemplating malaria elimination nationally or sub-nationally. In Mozambique, a strategy to eliminate malaria in the south is underway in the context of low endemicity levels and cro...
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a leading cause of death in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Mozambique. While diagnostic methods and total notifications are improving, significant gaps remain between total numbers of TB cases annually, and the number that are notified. The purpose of this study was to el...
Causas de Morte,
Tuberculose Extensivamente Resistente a Medicamentos,
Tuberculose Extensivamente Resistente a Medicamentos/tratamento farmacológico,
Infecções por HIV/terapia
Mocubi, Ana O;
Cebola, Bonifácio;
Muloliwa, Artur;
Sebastião, Frederico;
Sitefane, Samuel J;
Manafe, Naisa;
Gobe, Igor;
Lumbandali, Norbert;
Keates, Ashley;
Stickland, Nerolie;
Chan, Yi-Kai;
Stewart, Simon.
There is a paucity of primary data to understand the overall pattern of disease and injuries
as well as related health-service utilization in resource-poor countries in Africa. To generate reliable and robust data describing the pattern of emergency presentations attributable to communicable disease (CD)...
Estima-se que um terço da população mundial esteja infectada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Segundo a
Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) em 2017, 10 milhões de pessoas de todas idades contraíram a Tuberculose (TB) no mundo, sendo que 1 milhão de casos afectaram crianças dos 0-14 anos e destes...
Aide, pedro;
Candrinho, baltazar;
Galatas, beatriz;
Munguambe, khátia;
Guinovart, caterina;
Luis, fabião;
Mayor, alfredo;
Paaijmans, krijn;
Fernández‑Montoya, lucía;
Cirera, laia;
Bassat, quique;
Mocumbi, sonia;
Menéndez, clara;
Nhalungo, delino;
Nhacolo, ariel;
Rabinovich, regina;
Macete, eusébio;
Alonso, pedro;
Saúte, francisco.
Mozambique has historically been one of the countries with the highest malaria burden in the world. Starting in the 1960s, malaria control efforts were intensified in the southern region of the country, especially in Maputo city and Maputo province, to aid regional initiatives aimed to eliminate malaria ...
O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a promoção da Informação, Educação e Comunicação (IEC) em saúde para a população de homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) em áreas urbanas de Moçambique. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas com 122 HSH para conhecer suas necessidades de IEC em materia...
Background: Over the past 20 years, Mozambique has achieved substantial reductions in maternal, neonatal, and child mortality. However, mortality rates are still high, and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for maternal and child health, further gains are needed. One technique that can g...