Resultados: 1531

Relatório anual das actividades relacionadas ao HIV/SIDA - 2017

O Programa Nacional de Controlo (PNC) de ITS-HIV/SIDA é a entidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde responsável pela gestão dos serviços de saúde relacionados ao HIV. A sua missão é de coordenar, regulamentar e prestar cuidados e tratamento às pessoas vivendo com HIV. Para responder de forma estrat...

Hypertension in Mozambique: trends between 2005 and 2015

J. hypertens; 36 (4), 2018
To assess the current prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of arterial hypertension in Mozambican population, including adolescents and young adults, and to appraise their trends over the past decade, for the 25–64 years old population. Methods: A cross-sectional study of a representative sam...

Hypertension in Mozambique: trends between 2005 and 2015

J. hypertens; 36 (4), 2018
To assess the current prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of arterial hypertension in Mozambican population, including adolescents and young adults, and to appraise their trends over the past decade, for the 25–64 years old population. A cross-sectional study of a representative sample of the...

Priorização de doenças zoonóticas da One Health para o envolvimento multissectorial em Moçambique
Prioritization of zoonotic diseases for multisectoral in Mozambique

O objectivo desta oficina de trabalho de 2 dias sobre Priorização de Doenças Zoonóticas One Health (OHZDP) foi identificar doenças zoonóticas de maior preocupação nacional para Moçambique, usando contribuições iguais de representantes da saúde humana, gado, ambiente, vida selvagem, pesquisa, ...

Weak surveillance and policy attention to cancer in global health: the example of Mozambique

BMJ glob. health; 3 (2), 2018
Cancer is an emerging public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa due to population growth, ageing and westernisation of lifestyles. The increasing burden of cancer calls for urgent policy attention to develop cancer prevention and control programmes. Cancer surveillance is an essential prerequisite. Onl...

Assessment of the societal cost of Taenia solium in Angónia district, Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 18 (121), 2018
Background: The zoonotic parasite Taenia solium is endemic in Angónia district, Tete province, Mozambique, though the burden of the disease complex is unknown. Methods: As part of two cross-sectional studies on human and porcine cysticercosis in the area, unique epidemiological and cost data were colle...

Uptake of intermittent preventive treatment and pregnancy outcomes: health facilities and community surveys in Chókwè district, southern Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 17 (1), 2018
Background: Malaria in pregnancy leads to serious adverse effects on the mother and the child and accounts for 75,000–200,000 infant deaths every year. Currently, the World Health Organization recommends intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine (...

Relatório da Ronda Nacional da Avaliação Externa da Qualidade de Dados (AeQD) 2017

Este relatório apresenta os resultados da IV Ronda Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade de Dados (AeQD), realizada entre Março e Setembro de 2017. A Avaliação Externa de Qualidade de Dados foi liderada pelo Ministério da Saúde (MISAU) com assistência técnica do parceiro de implementação...

Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae among HIV-infected and -uninfected children <5 years of age before introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 13 (2), 2018
Nasopharyngeal carriage is a precursor for pneumococcal disease and can be useful for evaluating pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) impact. We studied pre-PCV pneumococcal carriage among HIV-infected and -uninfected children in Mozambique. Between October 2012 and March 2013, we enrolled HIV-infected c...

Evidence for chikungunya and dengue transmission in Quelimane, Mozambique: Results from an investigation of a potential outbreak of chikungunya virus

PLos ONE; 13 (2), 2018
Background: In January 2016, health authorities from Zambézia province, Mozambique reported the detection of some patients presenting with fever, arthralgia, and a positive result for chikungunya in an IgM-based Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT). We initiated a study to investigate a potential chikungunya out...