Resultados: 1531

Tuberculosis Case Finding With Combined Rapid Point-of-Care Assays (Xpert MTB/RIF and Determine TB LAM) in HIV-Positive Individuals Starting Antiretroviral Therapy in Mozambique

Clin. infect. dis; 65 (11), 2017
Tuberculosis is a major health concern in several countries, and effective diagnostic algorithms for use in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–positive patients are urgently needed. Methods. At prescription of antiretroviral therapy, all patients in 3 Mozambican health centers were screened for tubercu...

Scaling up HIV viral load - lessons from the large-scale implementation of HIV early infant diagnosis and CD4 testing

J. int. aids soc; 7 (7), 2017
Introduction: The scale-up of effective HIV viral load (VL) testing is an urgent public health priority. Implementation of testing is supported by the availability of accurate, nucleic acid based laboratory and point-of-care (POC) VL technologies and strong WHO guidance recommending routine testing to id...

Orientações ao Álbum Seriado para o Apoio ao Aconselhamento Nutricional Oferecido a Pessoas Vivendo com HIV e/ou TB
Serial Album Guidelines for Counseling Support Nutrition Offered to People Living with HIV and/or TB

Este documento apresenta orientações para o pessoal de saúde sobre uso do Álbum Seriado para Apoio ao Aconselhamento Nutricional Oferecido a Pessoas Vivendo com HIV e/ou TB. O documento começa com uma lista dos 4 temas e dos 18 cartões. A seguir, explica-se como usar o álbum seriado e os passos pa...

Epidemiological aspects and microbiological characterization of fevers among residents of mozambique and swedish travellers returning from the tropics

The common theme and aim for this thesis was to explore the epidemiology and the diagnostic possibilities of patients with non-malarial febrile infections of tropical origin, with both the individual patient perspective and the more general public health aspects in focus. Analysis from two study areas, S...

Molecular surveillance of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions in plasmodium falciparum isolates from mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 16 (416), 2017
Background: Malaria programmes use Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein-2 (PfHRP2) based rapid diagnos tic tests (RDTs) for malaria diagnosis. The deletion of this target antigen could potentially lead to misdiagnosis, delayed treatment and continuation of active transmission. Methods: Plasmodium...

Factors influencing risky sexual behaviour among Mozambican miners: a socioepidemiological contribution for HIV prevention framework in Mozambique

Int. j. equity health; 16 (1), 2017
Background: Information dealing with social and behavioural risk factors as well as their mechanisms among Mozambican migrants working in South African mines remains undocumented. This study aims to understand the various factors influencing HIV-related risk behaviours and the resulting HIV positive stat...

Multi-site cholera surveillance within the African Cholera Surveillance Network shows endemicity in Mozambique, 2011-2015

Plos negl. trop. dis; 11 (10), 2017
Background: Mozambique suffers recurrent annual cholera outbreaks especially during the rainy season between October to March. The African Cholera Surveillance Network (Africhol) was implemented in Mozambique in 2011 to generate accurate detailed surveillance data to support appropriate interventions for...

Relatório Semestral 2017 Relatório Semestral das Actividades Relacionadas ao HIV/SIDA

O Programa Nacional de Controlo (PNC) de ITS-HIV/SIDA é a entidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde responsável pela gestão dos serviços de saúde relacionados ao HIV. A sua missão é de coordenar, regulamentar e prestar cuidados e tratamento às pessoas vivendo com HIV. Para responder de forma estrat...

Performance characteristics of finger-stick dried blood spots (DBS) on the determination of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment failure in a pediatric population in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 12 (7), 2017
Quantitative plasma viral load (VL) at 1000 copies /mL was recommended as the threshold to confirm antiretroviral therapy (ART) failure by the World Health Organization (WHO). Because of ongoing challenges of using plasma for VL testing in resource-limited settings (RLS), especially for children, this st...

Passive, health center-based assessment of adverse events following oral cholera immunization in Nampula city, Mozambique

Vaccine; 35 (45), 2017
Background An immunization campaign using a two-dose regimen of Shanchol™ oral cholera vaccine (OCV) was implemented in the six most vulnerable neighborhoods of Nampula city, Mozambique. Of the 1292 suspected cholera cases reported in the city from September 2015 to July 2016, 66% of them originated in...