Arnaldo, Paulo;
Mabunda, Nédio;
Wesley Young, Peter;
Tran, Tiffany;
Sitoe, Nádia;
Chelene, Imelda;
Nhanombe, Armando;
Ismael, Nália;
Júnior, António;
Cubula, Basílio;
Frederico Inlamea, Osvaldo;
Gudo, Eduardo;
Jani, Ilesh Vinodrai.
The extent of population exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was uncertain in many African countries during the onset of the pandemic.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study and randomly selected and surveyed general population and occupational groups from 6 J...
In urban settings in malaria-endemic countries, malaria incidence is not well characterized and assumed to
be typically very low and consisting largely of imported infections. In such contexts, surveillance systems should adapt
to ensure that data are of sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to info...
Sitoe, Nádia;
Sambo, Júlia;
Mabunda, Nédio;
Nguenha, Neuza;
Chilaúle, Jorfélia;
Rafael, Julio;
Macicane, Anésio;
Chelene, Imelda;
Viegas, sofia;
Jani, Ilesh;
Medenyanga, Chishamiso;
Loquiha, Osvaldo;
Sacks, Jillian.
Background: In resource-poor countries, antigen-based rapid tests (Ag-RDTs) performed at primary healthcare and community settings improved access to SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics. However, the technical skills and biosafety requirements inherent to nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (OP) specimens limit the scal...
Fernandes, Quinhas;
Augusto, Orvalho;
Chicumbe, Sérgio Chicumbe;
Anselmi, Laura;
Wagenaar, Bradley;
Marlene, Rosa;
Agostinho, Sãozinha;
Gimbel, Sarah;
Pfeiffer, James;
Inguane, Celso;
Uetela, Dorlim Moiana;
Crocker, Jonny;
Ramiro, Isaías;
Matsinhe, Benigna;
Tembe, Stélio;
Carimo, Naziat;
Gloyd, Stephen;
Manhiça, Ivan;
Tavede, Esperança;
Felimone, Priscilla;
Sherr, Kenneth.
Introduction: Climate change-related extreme weather events have increased in frequency and intensity, threatening people’s health, particularly in places with weak health systems. In March 2019, Cyclone Idai devastated Mozambique’s central region, causing infrastructure destruction, population displ...
Saúde da Criança,
Tempestades Ciclônicas,
Saúde Materno-Infantil,
Conceitos Meteorológicos,
Centros de Saúde Materno-Infantil/organização & administração,
Vacina BCG/imunologia,
Vacina BCG/administração & dosagem,
Teorema de Bayes,
Análise de Séries Temporais Interrompida,
Testing programs for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 have relied on high-throughput polymerase chain reaction laboratory tests and rapid antigen assays to meet diagnostic needs. Both technologies are essential; however, issues of cost, accessibility, manufacturing delays, and performance ...
Montoya, Lucía Fernández;
Soler, Helena Marti;
Máquina, Mara;
Comiche, Kiba;
Cuamba, Inocencia;
Alafo, Celso;
Koekemoer, Lizette L;
Smith, Ellie Sherrard;
Bassat, Quique;
Galatas, Beatriz;
Aide, Pedro;
Cuamba, Nelson;
Jotamo, Dulcisaria;
Saúte, Francisco;
Paaijmans, Krijn P.
The "Magude project" aimed but failed to interrupt local malaria transmission in Magude district, southern Mozambique, by using a comprehensive package of interventions, including indoor residual spraying (IRS), pyrethroid-only long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) and mass-drug administration (M...
Pons-Duran, Clara;
Mombo-Ngoma, Ghyslain;
Macete, Eusébio;
Desai, Meghna;
Kakolwa, Mwaka A;
Zoleko-Manego, Rella;
Ouédragou, Smaïla;
Briand, Valérie;
Valá, valá;
Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M;
Ouma, Peter;
Massougbodji, Achille;
Sevene, Esperança;
Cot, Michel;
Aponte, John J;
Mayor, Alfredo;
Slutsker, Laurence;
Ramharter, Michael;
Menéndez, Clara;
González, Raquel.
Malaria is among the top causes of death in adolescent girls (10 to 19 years) globally. Adolescent motherhood is associated with increased risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. The interaction of malaria, adolescence, and pregnancy is especially relevant in malaria endemic areas, where rates of...
Montoya, Lucía Fernández;
Soler, Helena Marti;
Máquina, Mara;
Comiche, Kiba;
Cuamba, Inocencia;
Alafo, Celso;
Koekemoer, Lizette L;
Smith, Ellie Sherrard;
Bassat, Quique;
Galatas, Beatriz;
Aide, Pedro;
Cuamba, Nelson;
Jotamo, Dulcisaria;
Saúte, Francisco;
Paaijmans, Krijn P.
The "Magude project" aimed but failed to interrupt local malaria transmission in Magude district, southern Mozambique, by using a comprehensive package of interventions, including indoor residual spraying (IRS), pyrethroid-only long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) and mass-drug administration (M...
Harris, Philippa;
Jugs, Edna;
Bay, Neusa;
Adam's, Chamila;
Nhatitima, Patricia;
Mastala, Aejine;
Matavel, Nilza;
Mufanequisso, Arminda;
Mabote, Nelta;
Mondlane, Eunice;
Manafe, Nilza;
Pinto, Paula;
Kirkland, Ros;
Mazza, David;
Mocumbi, Ana.
Unpreparedness of health professionals to address non-communicable diseases (NCD) at peripheral health facilities is a critical health system challenge in Mozambique. To address this weakness and decentralize NCD care, training of the primary care workforce is needed. We describe our experience in the de...
O sistema de registo de mortes hospitalares é o centro do sistema de informação em saude compreende a captura de evento vital (morte), a sua enumeração em relatórios estatísticos, sua sistematização, consolidação e elaboração de estatísticas periódicas sobre o evento captado. A US é consi...