Resultados: 99

Manual de tratamento da crianca com infeccao pelo hiv/sida em mocambique
Treatment manual of children with infection hiv/aids in mozambique

A pandemia do HIV continua sendo um desafio sério para a saúde pública em todo o mundo. Segundo estimativas da ONUSIDA e da OMS, havia em todo o mundo 33.4 milhões de pessoas infectadas pelo HIV, das quais 31.3 eram adultos; 15.7 eram mulheres e 2.1 crianças menores de 15 anos até finais de 2008( G...

Market for Artemether‐Lumefantrine to treat childhood malariain a district of southern Mozambique

Health econ; 26 (12), 2010
Malaria is one of the leading causes of death in sub‐Saharan Africa. Artemisinin‐based combination therapies are used as first‐line treatment drugs, but their marketis far from competitive. Market failures include limited availability, low quality, lackof information, and high costs of access.We es...

Task-shifting of major surgery to midlevel providers of health care in Mozambique and Tanzania - a solution to the crisis in human resources to enhance maternal and neonatal survival

Task-shifting of major surgery to midlevel providers of health care in Mozambique and Tanzania - a solution to the crisis in human resources to enhance maternal and neonatal survival Background: Task-shifting, using non-physician clinicians (NPCs) to perform major surgery in obstetric emergencies 1s comm...

Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

Background: A legacy of colonial rule coupled with a devastating 16-year civil war through 1992 left Mozambique economically impoverished just as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic swept over southern Africa in the late 1980s. The crumbling Mozambican health care sys...

Plano estratégico nacional de controlo da tuberculose em Moçambique para o período de 2008 - 2012

Moçambique encontra-se situado na costa do sudeste africano e faz fronteira com a Tanzania a Norte, o Malawi, Zâmbia, Zimbabwe a Este e África do Sul e Swazilândia a Sul. É banhado pelo Oceano Índico a Oeste que se estende ao longo da costa com cerca de 2.470 quilómetros. É uma República, indepe...