Total: 2183

Self-reported non-receipt of HIV test results: A silent barrier to HIV epidemic control in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 14 (10), 2019
Introduction: People living with HIV (PLHIV) and who are aware of their HIV status can access and benefit from antiretroviral therapy (ART) with subsequent individual and public health benefits; however, many PLHIV are unaware of their HIV status. We assessed the magnitude and determinants of self-report...

Mothers’ satisfaction with care during facility-based childbirth: a cross-sectional survey in southern Mozambique

BMC pregnancy childbirth; 19 (303), 2019
Background: Client satisfaction is an essential component of quality of care. Health system factors, processes of care as well as mothers’ characteristics influence the extent to which care meets the expectations of mothers and families. In our study, we specifically aimed to address the mothers’ exp...

Postdischarge Mortality Prediction in Sub-Saharan Africa

Pediatrics; 143 (1), 2019
Background: Although the burden of postdischarge mortality (PDM) in low-income settings appears to be significant, no clear recommendations have been proposed in relation to follow-up care after hospitalization. We aimed to determine the burden of pediatric PDM and develop predictive models to identify c...

Client experiences with antenatal care waiting times in southern Mozambique

Background: Antenatal care (ANC) provides a range of critical health services during pregnancy that can improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes. In Mozambique, only half of women receive four or more ANC visits, which are provided for free at public health centers by maternal and child health (MCH)...

Análise do perfil epidemiológico da tuberculose em populações de mineiros nas províncias de manica, tete, zambézia e cabo delgado, no período compreendido entre 2016-2018
Analysis of the epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in populations of miners in the provinces of manica, tete, zambézia and cabo delgado, in the period 2016-2018

A Tuberculose (TB) continua a ser uma das mais graves ameaças à saúde pública global, sendo a principal causa de morte entre as doenças infeciosas, acima de HIV/SIDA na população geral (WHO, 2018). A doença afecta de forma desproporcional alguns grupos populacionais tais como os mineiros (Stuckle...

Retrospective investigation of antibodies against chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in serum from febrile patients in Mozambique, 2009-2015: Implications for its prevention and control

PLos ONE; 14 (3), 2019
Introduction: Longitudinal data and trends about chikungunya virus (CHIKV) are critical for its control, however in Mozambique very few studies were conducted over 5 decades, between 1957 and 2013. In this study, we retrospectively investigated the occurrence, geographical distribution and trend of anti-...

Trabalho Missionario na area de saude em Mocambique
Missionary work in the health sector in Mozambique

A desnutrição: conjunto de manifestações que ocorrem como resultado de alimentação pouca em quantidade ou variedade x necessidades ou doenças = diminuição das medidas corporais. Moçambique ocupa a posição 180 dentre os 189 países do mundo (IDH baixo = 0,437 - 2018). (ONU, 2019). Moçambique ...

Sistema de vigilancia de eventos vitais e causas de morte
Surveillance system for vital events and causes of death

Em janeiro de 2017, Moçambique lançou o sistema de vigilância de eventos vitais e causas de morte (comsa) para estabeleceu no sistema de registro por amostragem (SRS) para monitorar a mortalidade e as causas de morte. O instituto nacional de eeessstatisss555tiiica o instituto nacional da saúde com fi...

Third Tofo Advanced Study Week on Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses, 2018

Antivir. res; 162 (), 2019
The Third Tofo Advanced Study Week on Emerging and Re-Emerging Viruses (3rd TASW) was held in Praia do Tofo, Mozambique, from September 02 to 06, 2018. It brought together 55 participants from 10 African countries as well as from Belgium, China, Germany, Singapore, and the USA. Meeting sessions covered a...

Qualidade da atenção pré-natal
Quality of prenatal care

Objectivou-se realizar um levantamento na literatura científica artigos, teses e dissertações através dos dados na base da biografia electrónica CAPES, MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO e WS publicados nos últimos dez anos entre 2008 a 2018 sobre a influência das dimensões assistencial, administrativa e ou...