Resultados: 14

Effect of seven anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens on sputum microbiome: a retrospective analysis of the HIGHRIF study 2 and PanACEA MAMS-TB clinical trials

The Lancet microbe; 4 (11), 2023
Background: Respiratory tract microbiota has been described as the gatekeeper for respiratory health. We aimed to assess the impact of standard-of-care and experimental anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens on the respiratory microbiome and implications for treatment outcomes. Methods: In this retrospect...

Diagnósticos de enfermagem em pacientes submetidos a prostatectomia no hospital central de nampula
Nursing diagnoses in patients undergoing prostatectomy at nampula central hospital nampula central hospital

O Processo de Enfermagem é um instrumento de muita importância para auxiliar os profissionais de enfermagem na organização e sistematização da assistência a ser prestada aos indivíduos. Este processo envolve desde a tomada de decisão e gerenciamento dos dados até acções e intervenções a ser...

Attitudes and perceptions towards postpartum contraceptive use among seroconcordant partners with HIV in rural Mozambique: a qualitative study

Background Postpartum contraceptive uptake reduces short interpregnancy intervals, unintended pregnancies, and their negative sequalae: poor maternal and fetal outcomes. Healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy in people living with HIV (PLHIV) also allows time to achieve viral suppression to reduce paren...

Prompt HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral treatment in postpartum women is crucial for prevention of mother to child transmission during breastfeeding: Survey results in a high HIV prevalence community in southern Mozambique after the implementation of Option B

PLos ONE; 17 (8), 2022
orld Health Organization recommends promoting breastfeeding without restricting its duration among HIV-positive women on lifelong antiretroviral treatment (ART). There is little data on breastfeeding duration and mother to child transmission (MTCT) beyond 24 months. We compared the duration of breastfeed...

Dilemas éticos na saúde pública em Moçambique e sua relação as convenções internacionais sobre os direitos humanos e a saúde
Dilemas éticos na saúde pública em Moçambique e sua relação as convenções internacionais sobre os direitos humanos e a saúde

O presente artigo apresenta uma discussão, teorica sobre os dilemas éticos na saúde pública em Moçambique e sua relação as convenções internacionais sobre os direitos humanos e a saúde, estudo de caso do Ministerio de Saúde de Moçambique, nessa pesquisa vai-se procurar, com os dilemas éticos...

Prevalence and psychosocial factors associated with self-injurious thoughts among people living with HIV presenting for HIV testing in Mozambique

AIDS care; 34 (6), 2021
Self-injurious thoughts have been associated with psychiatric morbidity and suicide. Little is known about psychosocial factors associated with self-injurious thoughts among people newly diagnosed with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. This study examined whether food insufficiency, mental health symptoms, or s...

Rotavirus A infection in children under five years old with a double health problem: undernutrition and diarrhoea - a cross-sectional study in four provinces of Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 21 (1), 2021
Mozambique has a high burden of group A rotavirus (RVA) infection and chronic undernutrition. This study aimed to determine the frequency and potential risk factors for RVA infection in undernourished children under 5 years old with diarrhoea in Mozambique......

Guião de Oferta da Profilaxia Pré-Exposição ao HIV
Prophylaxis Offer Guide Pre-Exposure to HIV

Para atingir o impacto máximo na redução da transmissão do HIV, é crucial implementar uma abordagem de prevenção combinada, isto é, combinação de factores comportamentais, biomédicos e estruturais para a prevenção do HIV. Nesse âmbito, em Setembro de 2015 a Organização Mundial de Saúde (...

Capacity building, local ownership and implementation of a multi-level HIV/AIDS positive health, dignity, and prevention initiative in Mozambique: approach, challenges and lessons learned

Global health action; 13 (1), 2020
Mozambique has for many years suffered from a high burden of HIV with an estimated prevalence of 11.1% among adults age 15–49 years. In response, Positive Health, Dignity, and Prevention (or Positive Prevention as it is known in Mozambique), was developed as a method of integrating HIV care and prevent...