Sebastião, Cruz S;
Sebastião, Cruz S;
Sebastião, Cruz S;
Pingarilho, Marta;
Bathy, Jamila;
Bonfim, Elizângela;
Toancha, Katia;
Miranda, Mafalda NS;
Martins, M Rosário O;
Gomes, Perpétua;
Gomes, Perpétua;
Lázaro, Lazismino;
Pina-Araujo, Isabel;
Nhampossa, Tacilta;
Leal, Silvania;
Abecasis, Ana B;
Pimentel, Victor.
Background HIV-1 infections remain a global public health concern. Scaled-up antiretroviral treatment (ART) is
crucial for reducing morbidity and mortality related to HIV/AIDS. The emergence of drug-resistance mutations
(DRMs) compromises viral suppression and contributes to the continued HIV-1 transmiss...
Investment in Africa over the
past year with regard to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
sequencing has led to a massive increase in
the number of sequences, which, to date, exceeds 100,000 sequences generated to track
the pandemic on the continent. These sequences have profoun...
Introduction: The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), etiological agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in China in December 2019 and spread worldwide. As of March 6th, 2021, there have been 116,670,105 million confirmed cases globall...
Doenças Transmissíveis Importadas,
Saúde Global,
Gravidade do Paciente,
Doenças Transmissíveis Importadas/epidemiologia
A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os efeitos da pandemia da COVID-19, o artigo apresenta e analisa os dilemas bioéticos que surgem da necessidade de dedicar mais recursos sanitários ao controlo da mesma. Os esforços por controlar a propagação do SARS-CoV-2 significaram diminuição da at...
Sistemas de Saúde/tendências,
Atenção à Saúde,
Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/complicações,
Saúde Pública,
Background: Malaria is one of the most widespread and deadly diseases worldwide and large majority of malaria cases and deaths occurs in Africa. Efforts to develop an effective vaccine against malaria are underway and several vaccine prototypes are on different clinical trial phases.Objective: As many su...
Gudo, Eduardo Samo;
Ali, S;
António, V. S;
Chelene, I. R;
Chongo, I;
Demanou, M;
Falk, K;
Guiliche, O. C;
Heinrich, N;
Monteiro, V;
Muianga, A. F;
Oludele, J;
Mula, F;
Mutuku, F;
Amade, N;
Alho, P;
Betsem, E;
Chimbuinhe, Z;
Cristovam, A. J;
Galano, G;
Gessain, A;
Harris, E;
Heise, M;
Inalda, F;
Vulule, J.
The literature on sero-epidemiological studies of flaviviral infections in the African continent is quite scarce. Much of the viral epidemiology studies have been focussing on diseases such as HIV/AIDS because of their sheer magnitude and impact on the lives of people in the various affected countries. I...
From a global perspective, the large and diverse African population is disproportionately affected by cardiovascular disease (CVD). The historical balance between communicable and noncommunicable pathways to CVD in different African regions is dependent on external factors over the life course and at a s...
Context: The effect of global health initiatives on population health is uncertain. Between 2003 and 2008, the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest initiative ever devoted to a single disease, operated intensively in 12 African focus countries. The initiative's effect on al...
Antivirais/provisão & distribuição,
Antivirais/uso terapêutico,
Governo Federal,
Fortalecimento Institucional,
África Subsaariana/epidemiologia,
Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico,
Infecções por HIV/mortalidade,
Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle,
Cooperação Internacional/legislação & jurisprudência,
Promoção da Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência
Phillips, Andrew;
Shroufi, Amir;
Vojnov, Lara;
Cohn, Jennifer;
Roberts, Teri;
Ellman, Tom;
Bonner, Kimberly;
Rousseau, Christine;
Garnett, Geoff;
Cambiano, Valentina;
Nakagawa, Fumiyo;
Ford, Deborah;
Matharu, Loveleen Bansi;
Miners, Alec;
Lundgren, Jens;
Eaton, Jeff;
Ratanshi, Rosalind Parkes;
Katz, Zachary;
Maman, David;
Ford, Nathan;
Vitoria, Marco;
Doherty, Meg;
Dowdy, David;
Nichols, Brooke;
Murtagh, Maurine;
Wareham, Meghan;
Palamountain, Kara;
Musanhu, Christine Chiedza;
Stevens, Wendy;
Katzenstein, David;
Ciaranello, Andrea;
Barnabas, Ruanne;
Braithwaite, Scott;
Bendavid, Eran;
Nathoo, Kusum J;
Vijver, David van de;
Wilson, David;
Holmes, Charles;
Bershteyn, Anna;
Walker, Simon;
Raizes, Elliot;
Jani, Ilesh Vinodrai;
Nelson, Lisa;
Peeling, Rosanna;
Prestholt, Fern Terris;
Murungu, Joseph;
Apollo, Tsitsi Mutasa;
Hallett, Timothy;
Revill, Paul.
There are inefficiencies in current approaches to monitoring patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. Patients typically attend clinics every 1–3 months for clinical assessment, with clinic costs being comparable with costs of drugs themselves, CD4 counts are measured every 6 mon...
Fármacos Anti-HIV/uso terapêutico,
Tratamento Farmacológico,
Medicina de Precisão,
Carga Viral,
Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle,
Antirretrovirais/uso terapêutico
Segundo OMS, em 2013 aproximadamente35 milhões de pessoas no Mundo estavam infectadas pelo HIV e destes, aproximadamente 24,7milhões viviam na África Subsaariana. Em Moçambique, aprevalência é de 11,5%na população com 15-49 anos de idade. O aumento da prevalência do HIV na década de 80, provoco...