Resultados: 4

SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and associated factors, based on HIV serostatus, in young people in Sofala province, Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 23 (1), 2023
n In Sofala province (Mozambique), young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) are estimated at 7% among people aged 15–24 years. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic threatened HIV health services, data on the impact of COVID-19 on YPLHIV people are lacking. This study aimed at exploring the seroprevalence o...

Neurocysticercosis in Epileptic Children: An Overlooked Condition in Mozambique, Challenges in Diagnosis, Management and Research Priorities

Previous studies suggest that neurocysticercosis (NCC), the most common cause of acute symptomatic seizures (ASS), epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorders, typically presents with a solitary lesion and focal seizures in children from places where cysticercosis is endemic. We report a series of 3 pa...

Reduced Placental Transfer of Antibodies Against a Wide Range of Microbial and Vaccine Antigens in HIV-Infected Women in Mozambique

Front. immunol; 12 (), 2021
Transplacental transfer of antibodies is essential for conferring protection in newborns against infectious diseases. We assessed the impact of different factors, including gestational age and maternal infections such as HIV and malaria, on the efficiency of cord blood levels and placental transfer of Ig...