In Mozambique, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are estimated to be
prevalent, but diagnosis and treatment of curable STIs rely only on syndromic
management. We examined the prevalence of four non-viral STIs and HIV-1/2,
based on etiological diagnosis, associations with sociodemographic and
Chabala, Chishala;
Jacobs, Tom G;
Moraleda, Cinta;
Ndaferankhande, John M;
Mumbiro, Vivian;
Passanduca, Alfeu;
Namuziya, Natasha;
Nalwanga, Damalie;
Musiime, Victor;
Ballesteros, Alvaro;
Domínguez-Rodríguez, Sara;
Chitsamatanga, Moses;
Cassia, Uneisse;
Nduna, Bwendo;
Bramugy, Justina;
Sacarlal, Jahit;
Madrid, Lola;
Nathoo, Kusum J;
Colbers, Angela;
Burger, David M;
Mulenga, Veronica;
Buck, W Chris;
Mujuru, Hilda A;
Te Brake, Lindsey H M;
Rojo, Pablo;
Tagarro, Alfredo;
Aarnoutse, Rob E.
Optimal antituberculosis therapy is essential for favorable
clinical outcomes. Peak plasma concentrations of first-line
antituberculosis drugs in infants with living HIV receiving
WHO-recommended dosing were low compared with reference values for adults, supporting studies on increased doses of
Objectives: This study aims to estimate the levels of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in 53 low-income and middle-income countries, differences across population groups in hesitancy, and self-reported reasons for being hesitant to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
Methods: This paper presents new evidence on levels...
Musisi, Emmanuel;
Wyness, Adam;
Eldirdiri, Sahar;
Dombay, Evelin;
Mtafya, Bariki;
Ntinginya, Nyanda E;
Heinrich, Norbert;
Kibiki, Gibson S;
Hoelscher, Michael;
Boeree, Martin;
Aarnoutse, Rob;
Gillespie, Stephen H;
Sabiiti, Wilber.
Background: Respiratory tract microbiota has been described as the gatekeeper for respiratory health. We aimed to assess the impact of standard-of-care and experimental anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens on the respiratory microbiome and implications for treatment outcomes.
Methods: In this retrospect...
Laryngeal tuberculosis (LTB) is a rare manifestation of tuberculosis (TB), accounting for
1% of all TB cases. Despite its rarity it is the most frequent laryngeal granulomatous disease. We performed a systematic literature review of the last 20 years on LTB and also
present a case from our hospital with ...
A saúde é a condição essencial para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos, das comunidades e do país no geral. O presente plano estratégico do sector da saúde (PESS) reflecte a ambição desse desenvolvimento, expressa, de forma inequívoca, nos propósitos contidos no âmbito da visão, missão e pri...
Doenças Endêmicas,
Doenças não Transmissíveis,
Doenças Transmissíveis,
Doenças Negligenciadas,
Desnutrição/prevenção & controle,
Insegurança Alimentar/economia,
Mortalidade Infantil/tendências,
Malária/prevenção & controle
Perez-Saez, Javier;
Lessler, Justin;
Clee, Elisabeth;
Luquero, Francisco J;
Malembaka, Espior Bwenge;
Finger, Flávio;
Langa, José Paulo;
Yennan, Sebastian;
Zaitchik, Benjamin;
Azman, Andrew S.
Cholera remains a major threat in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where some of the highest case-fatality rates are reported. Knowing in what months and where cholera tends to occur across the continent could aid in improving efforts to eliminate cholera as a public health concern. However, largely due to the ...
Introdução: A crescente carga global de Doenças Não Transmissíveis (DNTs) exige sistemas de vigilância que permitam acompanhar as tendências e avaliar o impacto de intervenções. O objectivo destes estudos foi testar modelos de vigilância hospitalar e comunitária de factores de risco e de DNTs....
Doença Crônica,
Doenças Transmissíveis,
Doenças não Transmissíveis,
Encaminhamento e Consulta,
Estratégias de Saúde,
Estudos Longitudinais,
Estudos Prospectivos,
Monitoramento Epidemiológico,
População Urbana,
Vigilância em Desastres,
Objectivo: To understand the perspectives of pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV in Sofala, Mozambique, regarding barriers and facilitators to following Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) recommendations.
Method: Qualitative study conducted in three health centers and with a pee...
COVID-19 vaccination of children is gaining global support
(Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2022), and data on immunogenicity and efficacy/effectiveness are increasing (Walter et al.,
2022; Frenck et al., 2021; Han et al., 2021). Chile has rapidly
advanced in a national vaccination campaign for childre...