Serological evidence of rift valley fever virus among acute febrile patients in Southern Mozambique during and after the 2013 heavy rainfall and flooding: implication for the management of febrile illness
Virol. j; 13 (96), 2016
Background: Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) remains heavily neglected in humans in Mozambique, even though recent outbreaks were reported in neighboring countries in humans and several cases of RVFV in cattle were reported in several districts in Mozambique.
Findings: We conducted a cross sectional study...
Vírus da Febre do Vale do Rift/genética, Anticorpos Antivirais, Estudos Transversais, Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática, Imunoglobulina G, Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real, Moçambique, Febre do Vale de Rift/diagnóstico, Febre do Vale de Rift/epidemiologia, Vírus da Febre do Vale do Rift/imunologia, Testes Sorológicos, Moçambique/epidemiologia