Resultados: 7

Applying the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Identify Implementation Determinants for the Integrated District Evidence-to-Action Program, Mozambique

Glob. health sci. pract; 10 (1), 2022
Introduction: The Integrated District Evidence-to-Action program is an audit and feedback intervention introduced in 2017 in Manica and Sofala provinces, Mozambique, to reduce mortality in children younger than 5 years. We describe barriers and facilitators to early-stage effectiveness of that interventi...

Community knowledge and practices regarding antibiotic use in rural Mozambique: where is the starting point for prevention of antibiotic resistance?

BMC public health (Online); 20 (1183), 2020
Background: Antibiotic misuse and other types of unnecessary use of antibiotics can contribute to accelerate the process of antibiotic resistance, which is considered a global concern, mostly affecting low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). In Mozambique there is limited evidence on community knowledge...

Access to and use of health and social services among people who inject drugs in two urban areas of Mozambique, 2014: qualitative results from a formative assessment

BMC public health (Online); 20 (975), 2020
Background: Prior to 2014, data about health seeking behaviors or service uptake for People who inject drugs (PWID) in Mozambique did not exist. We present the results from the formative assessment component of the Biological and Behavioral Survey (BBS). Methods: Standardized interview guides were used d...

Mozambique’s Community Antiretroviral Therapy Support Group Program: The Role of Social Relationships in Facilitating HIV/ AIDS Treatment Retention

AIDS behav; 23 (9), 2019
The Community Antiretroviral (ARV) Therapy Support Group (CASG) program aims to address low retention rates in Mozambique’s HIV treatment program and the absorptive capacity of the country’s health facilities. CASG provides patients with the opportunity to form groups, whose members provide peer supp...

Community knowledge and acceptance of indoor residual spraying for malaria prevention in Mozambique: a qualitative study

Malar. j. (Online); 18 (1), 2019
Background: Malaria control remains a leading health challenge in Mozambique. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is an effective strategy to control malaria transmission, but there are often barriers to reaching the coverage necessary for attaining maximum community protective effect of IRS. Mozambique recor...

Good health’ as a barrier and facilitator to ART initiation: a qualitative study in the era of test-and-treat in Mozambique

Cult. health sex; 21 (9), 2019
HIV test-and-treat programmes are being implemented throughout sub-Saharan Africa, enrolling HIV-positive clients into antiretroviral treatment (ART) immediately after diagnosis, regardless of clinical stage or CD4 count. This study conducted in Mozambique examined what influenced clients who tested HIV-...

Community health worker knowledge and management of pre-eclampsia in southern Mozambique

Reprod. health; 13 (2), 2016
: Mozambique has drastically improved an array of health indicators in recent years, including maternal mortality rates which decreased 63 % from 1990–2013 but the rates still high. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia constitute the third major cause of maternal death in the country. Women in rural areas, with...