In-hospital logistic management barriers (LMB) are considered to be important risk factors for delays
in TB diagnosis and treatment initiation (TB-dt), which perpetuates TB transmission and the development of TB
morbidity and mortality. We assessed the contribution of hospital auxiliary workers (HAWs) an...
The common theme and aim for this thesis was to explore the epidemiology and the diagnostic possibilities of patients with non-malarial febrile infections of tropical origin, with both the individual patient perspective and the more general public health aspects in focus. Analysis from two study areas, S...
As doenças tropicais negligenciadas representam um grupo de doenças suscetíveis de
prevenção e tratamento, que afetam 1,5 mil milhões de pessoas, das quais 40% vivem
em África.
As doenças afetam as pessoas mais pobres e vulneráveis que residem em regiões
africanas de difícil acesso. São do...