Background: Epidemiological evidence linking exposure to landscape fires to child health remains scarce. We assessed the association between daily landscape fire smoke and child hospital visits and admissions in the Manhiça district, Mozambique, an area characterised by frequent forest and cropland fire...
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the highest proportion of people using unclean fuels for household energy, which can result in products of incomplete combustion that are damaging for health. Black carbon (BC) is a useful marker of inefficient combustion-related particles; however, ambient air quality data a...
Use of the model driving forces - pressures - situation - exposure - effects - actions: fpseea (oms), for the analysis of health risks arising from air pollution, water and sanitation in households in mozambique
O presente trabalho utiliza como instrumento de análise o Modelo FPSEEA (OMS) visando a caracterização dos riscos à saúde dos agregados familiares e ao ambiente decorrentes da poluição atmosférica, qualidade da água e saneamento de Moçambique, a partir do levantamento de documentos oficiais pú...