Introduction: The effectiveness of facility-level management is an important determinant of primary health care (PHC) reach and quality; however, the nature of the relationship between facility level management and health system effectiveness lacks sufficient empirical grounding. We describe the associat...
Introduction: Reduction of unmet need for contraception is associated with enhanced health outcomes. We conducted a randomised controlled trial in Mozambique analysing the effects of text messages encouraging use of family planning services.
Methods: This trial was conducted within a sample of women ser...
Sexual and reproductive health is the state of complete physical,mental and social well-being in all aspects related to the
reproductive system. This implies that people must be able to obtain satisfaction and security in their sexual life, have
the ability to reproduce including the freedom to decide ...
Background: In Mozambique, both the government and partners have undertaken efforts over the last decade to improve FP (family planning) services, especially through training health care providers and promoting the uptake of LARCs (Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives). Despite this, uptake of FP method...
Backrgound: Good progress is being made towards universal access to contraceptives, however stock-outs still jeopardize progress. A seldom considered but important building block in optimizing supply management is the degree to which health workers feel motivated and responsible for monitoring supply. We...
Dans la Republique Populaire du Mozambique, societe en pleine transformation vers le socialisme, l'homme et le plein ceveloppement de toutes ses capacites sont au centre des preoccupations du programme du FRELIMO- parti marxiste-leninist de alliance ouvriers paysans, dirigant de l'Etat et de la societe ...