Sevene, Esperança;
Boene, Helena;
Vidler, Marianne;
Valá, Anifa;
Macuacua, Salésio;
Augusto, Orvalho;
Fernandes, Quinhas;
Macete, Eusébio;
Sidat, Mohsin;
Dadelszen, Peter von;
Munguambe, Khátia;
Bique, Cassimo.
Maternal mortality is an important public health problem in low-income countries. Delays in reaching health facilities and insufficient health care professionals call for innovative community-level solutions. There is limited evidence on the role of community health workers in the management o...
Competência Clínica,
Serviços de Saúde Comunitária/normas,
Agentes Comunitários de Saúde/psicologia,
Gerenciamento Clínico,
Tratamento de Emergência/normas,
Estudos de Viabilidade,
Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde,
Mortalidade Materna,
Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde,
Cuidado Pré-Natal,
Encaminhamento e Consulta,
Bone, jeffrey, n;
Magee, laura, a;
Singer, joel;
Nathan, hannah;
Qureshi, rahat, n;
Sacoor, charfudin;
Sevene, esperança;
Shennan, andrew;
Bellad, mrutyunjaya, b;
Goudar, shivaprasad, s;
Mallapur, ashalata, a;
Munguambe, khátia;
Vidler, marianne;
Dadelszen, peter von;
Bhutta, zulfiqar, a.
Background: Blood pressure measurement is a marker of antenatal care quality. In well resourced settings, lower blood pressure cutoffs for hypertension are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. We aimed to study the associations between blood pressure thresholds and adverse outcomes and the diagnos...
Dadelszen, peter von;
Bhutta, zulfiqar A;
Sharma, sumedha;
Bone, jeffrey;
Singerl, joel;
Wong, hubert;
Bellad, mrutyunjaya B;
Goudar, shivaprasad S;
Lee, tang;
Mallapur, ashalata A;
Munguambe, khátia;
Payne, beth A;
Qureshi, rahat N;
Sacoor, charfudin.
To overcome the three delays in triage, transport and treatment that underlie adverse pregnancy outcomes, we aimed to reduce all-cause adverse outcomes with community-level interventions targeting women with pregnancy hypertension in three low-income countries. Methods: In this individual participant-lev...
The Community Antiretroviral (ARV) Therapy Support Group (CASG) program aims to address
low retention rates in Mozambique’s HIV treatment program and the absorptive capacity of the
country’s health facilities. CASG provides patients with the opportunity to form groups, whose
members provide peer supp...
Antirretrovirais/uso terapêutico,
Terapia Antirretroviral de Alta Atividade,
Serviços de Saúde Comunitária/organização & administração,
Grupos Focais,
Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico,
Infecções por HIV/terapia,
Infecções por HIV/psicologia,
Relações Interpessoais,
Adesão à Medicação,
Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde,
Pesquisa Qualitativa,
Retenção nos Cuidados,
Grupos de Autoajuda,
Rede Social
Macuácua, salésio;
Catalão, raquel;
Valá, anifa;
Machete, eusébio;
Sharma, sumedha;
Vidler, mariamme;
Sid at, mohsim;
Munguambe, khatia;
Dadelszen, peter;
Seven, esperança.
Background: Pre-eclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal death in Mozambique. Limited access to health care facilities and a lack of skilled health professionals contribute to the high maternal morbidity and mortality rates in Mozambique and indicate a need for community-level interventions. Th...
Serviços de Saúde Comunitária,
Agentes Comunitários de Saúde,
Política de Saúde,
Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde,
Morte Materna/prevenção & controle,
Saúde Materna,
Serviços de Saúde Materna,
Mortalidade Materna,
Papel Profissional,
Community health workers (CHWs) provide preventive care and integrated community case management (iCCM) to people with low healthcare access worldwide. CHW programmes have helped reduce mortality in
myriad countries, but little data on malaria supply chain management has been shared. This project evaluat...
Malária/tratamento farmacológico,
Malária/prevenção & controle,
Gerenciamento Clínico,
Inquéritos e Questionários,
Antimaláricos/administração & dosagem,
Combinação Arteméter e Lumefantrina/administração & dosagem,
Agentes Comunitários de Saúde,
Serviços de Saúde Comunitária/organização & administração,
Decroo, Tom;
Telfer, Bárbara;
Dores, Carla Das;
Branco, Ricardo A;
Santos, Natacha Dos;
Mkwamba, Alec;
Dezembro, Sergio;
Joffrisse, Mariano;
Ellman, Tom;
Metcalf , Carol.
Estimate the effect of participation in Community ART Groups (CAG) versus individual care on retention-in-care (RIC) on antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Retrospective cohort study.
High levels of attrition (death or loss-to-follow-up (LTFU) combined) on ART indicate that delivery...
Mozambique has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. The main influences on maternal health encompass social, economic, political, environmental and cultural determinants of health. To effectively address maternal mortality in the post-2015 agenda, interventions need to co...
Background: Follow-up of HIV-exposed children for the delivery of prevention of mother-to-child transmission
services and for early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection is critical to their survival. Despite efforts, uptake of
postnatal care for these children remains low in many sub-Saharan African ...
Sherr, kenneth;
Cuembelo, fatima;
Michel, cathy;
Gimbel, sarah;
Micek, mark;
Kariaganis, Marina;
Pio, Alusio;
Manuel, joão luis;
Pfeiffer, james;
Gloyd, stephen.
Background: Large increases in health sector investment and policies favoring upgrading and expanding the public sector health network have prioritized maternal and child health in Mozambique and, over the past decade, Mozambique has achieved substantial improvements in maternal and child health indicat...