Resultados: 2

Ready to deliver maternal and newborn care? Health providers’ perceptions of their work context in rural Mozambique

Global health action; 11 (1), 2018
Background: Deficiencies in the provision of evidence-based obstetric care are common in low-income countries, including Mozambique. Constraints relate to lack of human and financial resources and weak health systems, however limited resources alone do not explain the variance. Understanding the healthca...

Progress in Mozambique: Changes in the availability, use, and quality of emergency obstetric and newborn care between 2007 and 2012

PLos ONE; 13 (7), 2018
Maternal mortality in Mozambique has not declined significantly in the last 10-15 years, plateauing around 480 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Good quality antenatal care and routine and emergency intrapartum care are critical to reducing preventable maternal and newborn deaths. Materials and m...