Resultados: 4

Mozambique’s response to cyclone Idai: how collaboration and surveillance with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions were used to control a cholera epidemic

Infect. dis. poverty; 9 (68), 2020
Cyclone Idai, which hit Mozambique in March 2019, was one of the worst climate-related natural disasters on record in the Southern Hemisphere causing massive destruction of housing and disruption to vital infrastructure including the electrical grid, communications and water supply. Almost two million pe...

A rapid qualitative assessment of oral cholera vaccine anticipated acceptability in a context of resistance towards cholera intervention in Nampula, Mozambique

Vaccine; 44 (36), 2018
While planning an immunization campaign in settings where public health interventions are subject to politically motivated resistance, designing context-based social mobilization strategies is critical to ensure community acceptability. In preparation for an Oral Cholera Vaccine campaign implemented in N...

Oral cholera vaccine coverage during a preventive door-to-door mass vaccination campaign in Nampula, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 13 (10), 2018
In addition to improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) measures and optimal case management, the introduction of Oral cholera vaccine (OCV) is a complementary strategy for cholera prevention and control for vulnerable population groups. In October 2016, the Mozambique Ministry of Health implemente...

Passive, health center-based assessment of adverse events following oral cholera immunization in Nampula city, Mozambique

Vaccine; 35 (45), 2017
Background An immunization campaign using a two-dose regimen of Shanchol™ oral cholera vaccine (OCV) was implemented in the six most vulnerable neighborhoods of Nampula city, Mozambique. Of the 1292 suspected cholera cases reported in the city from September 2015 to July 2016, 66% of them originated in...